Netherhood Welcome Wagon – Sideshow and Syrana of…Sideshow and Syrana!

tnb-welcomeWelcome to Sideshow and Syrana of Sideshow and Syrana!

Repetitious redundancy is redundantly repetitive, but it’s true, the owners and operators of the blog Sideshow and Syrana are Sideshow, the Undead Rogue, and Syrana, the Blood Elf Warlock. They’re a husband and wife team who have been playing since pre-BC. Though Syrana’s first level 70 character was a hunter, the call of the dark side was just too strong. Playing with fel magic was just too addicting for this junky Blood Elf, and she’s been siphoning souls ever since. They’re both officers of the guild OI, and are casual players with some raiding mixed in.

Outside of the game world, Syrana works with people in need of alcohol and/or drug treatment services as a case manager. She’s even written about how WoW helps her with her rather complicated and exhaustive job. Sideshow, being rather mum about his own job, simply reports working as an IT guy, which I take to mean he is an undercover hacker for the secret services. Or something.

The blog is a great place to go for an eclectic mix of RP posts, entertainment, introspection and opinions. From cat-capers to breaking up with Archavon, Part 15 of weekly RP to exploring the (anti)feminism of WoW achievements, there’s plenty to read for all sorts. Definitely entertaining, always intriguing, it’s a blog not to be missed.

Welcome to the blogosphere, Sideshow and Syrana!

Every Friday (and sometimes other days if she needs to make up posts), Bellwether from 4 Haelz is bringing you the Welcome Wagon, introducing new bloggers and great reads. If you know of a new blog to the scene or wish to get your name out there, please send an e-mail to 4haelz AT gmail DOT com with the subject line “Welcome Wagon.” She’ll do her best to highlight as many as possible!

Episode 42 – Life, the Universe and 3.1

Don’t Panic!! We had 5 very special guests help us to hash out Listen as

dontpanic_200 Hydrargyrum of Almost Evil, Runyarusco of Unbearably Hot, Maerdred of Tree Bound Cat, Lassirra of The Hunter’s Mark, and Anna of Too Many Annas, Nibuca and Fimlys chat about the patch to the patch to the patch (and other stuff).

— Continue reading Episode 42 — Life, the Universe and 3.1 —

Wiki Tiki Utility: Loot Rank

screenshot of Loot Rank

Does this sound like you? “Oh man, do I want this helmet or that helmet? What’s my best bet for a ranged slot item? Where does that danged polearm even come from, anyway?!” Well, fellow WoW players (at least I hope you’re playing WoW… I don’t think you have a ranged slot in real life, though I could be wrong), there’s a site out there that can maybe help you.

Sure, there are addons you can get to emulate some features of today’s Wiki Tiki Utility, such as Pawn or RatingBuster, but not all of them offer the flexibility and power of Loot Rank!

Loot Rank, on first glance, might look like a few boxes and checkboxes… okay, a whole lot of boxes and checkboxes… but don’t be alarmed! This is simply your way of attaining maximum flexbility in assembling a veritable shopping list of phat lewtz (as you kids say these days). The folks behind Loot Rank have even gone the extra mile of creating class templates. What’s a class template? Well, rather than trying to figure out exact values for your class to make sure your loot ranking comes out perfect, the class templates provide a great starting place, filling in relevant values with appropriate weights, which you can tinker with from there instead of starting from scratch.

But what’s the point of all this flexibility? Simple, it’s right there in the name: Loot Ranking! Sometimes even after comprehensive tests on a dummy, pummeling a boss in an instance or raid, or comparing numbers and bits and bobs with an addon, it’s just not obvious whether item A is better than item B. Or maybe you’re heading into Ulduar for the first time, and want to know what items you should be looking for as definite upgrades! Loot Rank will help you decide.

So next time you set out to make your gear even better, don’t go without knowledge – let Loot Rank be your guide!

Mondays are Wiki Tiki Utility days here at TNB! Stop from The Stoppable Force highlights a resource from the Twisted Nether Wiki’s Big List of WoW Utilities, hopefully giving you a nice boost to your Intellect – or at least your skill at World of Warcraft. If you’ve got a utility you’d like to see listed on the wiki, or one you’d like to nominate for the Wiki Tiki Utility post, please send an email to stop AT twistednether DOT netwith the subject “Wiki Tiki Utility”!

Shared Topic: How Would You Distribute the Legendary?

This week, Veneretio from has posed an intriguing problem for the bloggers of Blog Azeroth to puzzle over

It’s no secret that there’s going to be a legendary healing mace in Ulduar. The challenge for this topic is: How would you determine who gets this item? Be sure to indicate what loot system your guild currently uses in raids to distribute items as I think it’ll be particularly interesting to see how many people believe epics should be looted one way and legendaries another.

Several bloggers this week have heeded the call, with the following bloggers posting entries

Lissanna at Restokin 

“*starts singing* These purples do me no F*ing good, nothing like an orange legendary would. I smell a g-kick! I’m your basic druid looking for a guild… 55 purples good with any build!

Belghast at Tales of the Aggronaut 

Honestly the issue of deciding who is going to get the Fragment of Val’anyr is something that somewhat “snuck up” on us and is fixing to “bite us in the butt”.  We stand on the precipice of our first Ulduar raid tonight, and the issue is still very much under discussion.  I feel confident that the officers will hash out something throughout the day and make our professional-esc decision before we start the invites tonight.

Garen and Andrea at Altoholics R Us

Generally you’d think that any lootable item would simply fall into your guild’s current loot system. However, this is not always true. Every now and again special circumstances are considered in a situation

Trustyn at The Elitists

There is a bit of a talk going around about the weapon of legendary proportions. A legendary healing mace is now possible through getting 30 fragments and doing a nice and long quest chain. As a fan of loot council I would start off with a much theorycrafting as possible.

There has also been some parallel discussion going on about which classes the weapon would be best suited for, with entries posted at Restokin and Nerf This Druid.

Got a great idea for a Shared Topic?  Have something of your own to contribute?  Head on over to the Blog Azeroth Forums, and have a look at the fantastic range of topics under discussion!

TNB Live – Life, the Universe and Patch 3.1


dontpanic_200 Join us, and some very special guests, LIVE for a Heptagonal (7-sided) table discussion about Life the Universe and patch 3.1.  This Twisted Nether Blogcast will be recorded live and you can participate! Join us as we talk with Hydrargyrum of Almost Evil,   Runyarusco of Unbearably Hot, Maerdred of Tree Bound Cat, Lassirra of The Hunter’s Mark, and Anna of Too Many Annas along with Nibuca and Fimlys for a rousing review of the highs and lows that are 3.1.
  • When is it?: The show is scheduled for Thursday, April 30th at 12:30 am EST (yes I know that technically makes its Friday, May 1st) Not sure what time that is for you? Use this handy-dandy time converter!
  • Where do I go? WE’RE TRYING SOMETHING NEW!!! DON’T PANIC!!! To participate on the live show, you will need to go to the TNB Live Show page to connect with the stream.  See, totally easy.
  • Some general ground rules:
    1. Be nice. If you say very inappropriate things be aware you will be kicked from the room. We are doing this to have a great time, come with a beer, come during a raid, come how you wish, just don’t come to cause trouble.
    2. You may ask questions to the participants during the show, but we reserve the right to use them if and when we can. I will be monitoring the chat room and if I can I will use the comments during the show. We love that you are with us, but I will have to weave them in. Even if it isn’t asked, we all appreciate your questions

Outside of that, we will love to have you join us and partake in an enlightening discussion that is sure to follow! Hope to see you there!