Episode 42 – Life, the Universe and 3.1

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Don’t Panic!! We had 5 very special guests help us to hash out Listen as

dontpanic_200 Hydrargyrum of Almost Evil, Runyarusco of Unbearably Hot, Maerdred of Tree Bound Cat, Lassirra of The Hunter’s Mark, and Anna of Too Many Annas, Nibuca and Fimlys chat about the patch to the patch to the patch (and other stuff).

The table goes round and round

  • Ulduar: is it the new ZA?
  • Talent changes: How is your class changed? Love it hate it.. want to reroll..
  • Dual Spec: Have you done it.. have you noticed any changes around you because of it? Would you tri-spec?
  • Argent Championship: love it… hate it.. want to make little baby champions with it?
  • Noblegarden changes? holidays in general
  • (can you really call fishing big?) Fishing: who has finally manged to level it? Is it better? “I leveled fishing when fishing was hard”.. is fishing the newest thing “nerfed for casuals”?
  • …and much more!

Next week…

Brigwyn from The Hunting Lodge and the Child’s Play Charity Auction. We’re on day 4 of the auction.. make sure you’ve bid or make a donation.

(Opening song “Monster Techno Blues” is preformed Joe Sibol, provided by podssafeaudio.com)

3 comments to Episode 42 – Life, the Universe and 3.1

  • Good listen… though I got nothing done at work! And thank you for not having “OBLIVION!!!” from Kologarn at the beginning! Lots of good stuff discussed, hope to see more once 3.1 is out even further. Might be interesting to see if opinions change.