Saresa  Friday, 8th of January 2010 at 02:09:13 PM After a holiday hiatus, the Shared Topics are back! Saresa is currently off touring the world, but the show must go on!
Some time ago, Anexxia from Bible of Dreams suggested we look back at our year in World of Warcraft to answer a few questions.
In the spirit of the annual RL year […]
Saresa  Monday, 14th of December 2009 at 07:09:00 PM Windsoar suggested this fantastic Shared Topic, exploring how guilds can retain their members.
“Members (and oftentimes guilds) come and go on different servers — with the increased flexibility of players to move their characters to new locations, what steps should guilds be taking to recruit, train, and retain their members (raid or casual setting […]
Saresa  Saturday, 12th of December 2009 at 07:00:50 PM Windsoar of Jaded Alt suggested a topic from quite a few weeks ago (unfortunately, I was crit by the RL monster and haven’t been able to get the Shared Topics up) exploring the impact of PTR’s and news websites on the game.
“I thought it’d be interesting to see how people felt about PTRs […]
Saresa  Monday, 23rd of November 2009 at 04:05:10 AM
This week’s Shared Topic was suggested by Lathere of Hots & Dots, and asks us to consider (in honour of WoW’s 5 year anniversary) what the best change to the game would be.
I’m suggesting the following as a shared topic: Many things have changed and improved within the game between Vanilla, BC […]
Saresa  Sunday, 15th of November 2009 at 03:11:13 AM
This week’s Shared Topic was brought to us by Triv of Raid Naked: Game in the Buffs. Triv asked us to consider the following:
How about a shared topic on RPG Nostalgia? Something along of the lines of your first love in the rpg universe, possibly even mmorpg universe. For me it harkens […]
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