Resource Site Spotlight – WoW Headlines


Do you know what I love?


Well of course you don’t, so I’ll tell you – specialized content aggregation apps/sites that are well designed with non-cluttered interfaces.

I need to explain that statement.

Have you ever tried out any apps on your smartphone or tablet that aggregates content from a large […]

Announcing – Big Crits

by Stoneybaby

First of all I want to say a big thanks to Fim & Nib for letting me shout out to the TNB listeners about the Big Crits show. I’ve always been a huge fan of the show and the work they do for the WoW community. Thanks for keeping us together and more […]

Episode 79 – If The Shoe Fits

Another last minute, but no less awesome guest! Molly from the Women of Warcraft Vidcast/Podcast joins us. We talk all about the joys (*cough*) of Videocasting and going back to your roots. The discussion turns to the revelation of some of the changes to stats in Cataclysm and we even talk about what to […]

Episode 7- An Orc in Dwarf Clothing

This week Ratshag from Need More Rage joins Fimlys and Breana as the Twisted Blog of the Week! We have a long discussion on the merits and ease of obtaining PvP gear and ohnoes! The Authenticator is Sold Out! All this and the winner of our commercial contest! Don’t Miss it!


Episode 6- Chicks Dig Kodos

This week we have all the ingredients for a great party, one Chick GM, a tip, one shared topic and kodos, lots of kodos.
