Resource Site Spotlight – WoW Headlines


Do you know what I love?


Well of course you don’t, so I’ll tell you – specialized content aggregation apps/sites that are well designed with non-cluttered interfaces.

I need to explain that statement.

Have you ever tried out any apps on your smartphone or tablet that aggregates content from a large […]

Resource Site Spotlight – Undermine Journal Revisited

Back in Feb. of 2011 we featured The Undermine Journal as an RSS early in it’s lifespan. Since then The Undermine Journal has remained consistent but has become very feature rich and worth every second you spend reading the site.

There is a specific “Journal” for every realm including each faction and even spotlighting […]

Episode 164 – Beta Table MoP

It’s time for another TNB Round Table! This time we welcome Nevik from Nevik’s Notebook and The Overlores, Poneria from Fel Concentration and WoW Insider and Rades from Orcish Army Knife and From Draenor With Love! Of course, it’s time to talk about Mists of Pandaria! The Beta is starting and an amazing flood […]

Shared Topic: Dear Pandaren, What Class Shall I Play?

Last week’s shared topic was all about class. With the upcoming addition of a new race in Mists of Pandaria Amerence asks

What class are you playing with the new race Pandaren on the new upcoming expansion? I know most players are excited to role as a Monk, but there are lots of options to […]