Resource Site Spotlight - Warcraft Mounts

Being admin. of a vent channel has its perks. Booting brash PuGs, confusing people by switching their channel arbitrarily, and similarly abusive exercises of power. And, as my guild-mates have recently learned, temporarily banning anyone who sarcastically suggests that I “ride their rocket.” Yes, the X-53 Touring Rocket, one the newest mounts available, has opened the floodgates for levels of innuendo that you won’t find anywhere outside of Barrens chat.

I do not collect mounts. I still ride the pink chicken thing that Silvermoon sold me when I was a baby hunter. But Cataclysm approaches, raid attendance across many servers falters, and people are left circling the drain with boredom (or, more likely, circling Dalaran). Rep grinds, gold farming (not the dirty kind) and mount collecting are all ways players find to pass the time until new content opens up.

Probably the most complimentary thing I can say about Warcraft Mounts is that is doesn’t try to do too much. It has lists of all available mounts, can break them into subsections, and tells you exactly how to obtain them. And that’s really about it. But for a mount farmer, it’s a handy tool, and for the rest of us it can be a fun way to browse potential mounts to look for ones that we may want someday (the only mount I legitimately pine for, for example, is the Phoenix mount from the old BC Sunwell raid).

So good luck to mount collectors, I hope this helps. Now go hop on your Big Love Rocket (shown below), and be sure to make it as awkward as possible for your friends.

The resource site spotlight is a “weekly” blog written by Arthemystia from, in his quest to find every useful WoW website on the internet.

Episode 98 - Metamorphosis

It’s a time for change and changes are a-coming. Along with announcing that we’re moving the live recording night to Saturday, this episode is a bittersweet one for us here at Twisted Nether. Our very own Nibuca is taking a break from WoW and feels that she can no longer co-host the show. However, Hydra from Almost Evil has been recruited by the Star League.. Oh wait.. She’s been recruited to take up Nibs Cohosting mantle and we know she is going to do an awesome job. Besides that, Hydra is our “guest” this week and we talk about, you guessed it, Cataclysm. There is a little other news and we’ve got a couple of emails and such. Changes can be difficult.



UGT-Servers.comUGT Servers! Ventrillo Servers for Your Guild!

— Continue reading Episode 98 — Metamorphosis —

Resource Site Spotlight - WoW Heroes

WoW Heroes is a useful site that pulls a lot of quirky functionality into one location. It is not a cover-all site, but can be great for comparison purposes.

A quick search will bring up your character, complete with gems, enchants, your raid progression, achievements, etc. If your gems and chants are suboptimal, the site will recommend better ones for you.

One tab over you’ll find the “Compare” tool, which lets you view your character side by side with another. This is great to check out guildies who might need help, compare yourself to well-known or accomplished players in your class, or just for bragging rights.

The guild tab can let you view gear scores for an entire guild (a la GearScore add-ons), and browse the guild for professions. And the Realm tab can be used in much the same way as sites like WoW Progress (featured quite a while ago here in a resource article). It tracks your boss kills and achievements, and ranks guilds within a given realm.  I found my own guild’s progress to be missing achievements from the last couple weeks, but it was otherwise up-to-date on my character and guild.

Other features such as a hit calculator and forums are also handy tools. The result is that WoW Heroes is an excellent site to compare yourself and your guild to a host of others, which can be informative or just fun.

The resource site spotlight is a “weekly” blog written by Arthemystia from, in his quest to find every useful WoW website on the internet.

Shared Topic: Classic Meta achievements

What crazy stunts do you remember pulling in Vanilla (or early Burning Crusade), just for fun? Are you disappointed that there aren’t any achievements for killing old school bosses in an alternative way? Ryyus of I Gem Crit has just the Shared Topic for you!

Mount rewarding meta achievements are here to stay, But what if achievements Look like if they were around from classic forward? So i figured, make some metas for older raids or instance clusters, Name and design some achivements puns and all and design a reward fit for them (no flying mounts in MC etc) This seems like, for one Pun GOLD also a nice way of being nostalgic without open “IN MY DAY!” talk.

Proposing interesting achievements were:

Ryyus of I Gem Crit

Relevart of Relevart’s Druid Reliquary

Natarumah of Twisted Faith

Mishaweha of Me, Myself…and all of them

PixelatedExecutioner of Pixelated Executioner

Excandersham of Excandershams Wow Guides

This week’s Shared Topic is an opportunity to pull out your RP skills, or not if RPs not your thing there’s still plenty to say, as you describe how NPCs view your character’s class. Have fun getting creative and exploring the relationships characters have with various NPCs. And when you’re done, post a link to your work in the thread at Blog Azeroth so we can all read it.

As for upcoming topics, be on the lookout for:
Group relations: how to assist/protect
What would you change in the UI with Cataclysm?
What mementos have you kept and why?

Episode 97 - All About the Sects

This week we welcome Esh and Kat from the Gaming Worlds Collide podcast and blog. In addition to an excellent interview, we also talk a little about Blizzard cracking down on Sex RP, China finally gets WotLK, the normal “what’s new in cataclysm beta” and a little PSA on Security from Bornakk.



UGT-Servers.comUGT Servers! Ventrillo Servers for Your Guild!

— Continue reading Episode 97 — All About the Sects —