Resource Site Spotlight–Plus Heal

Greetings folks!

Just a quick note here to start, my name is Rilandune and I’ll be taking over the Resource Spotlight here on Twisted Nether.  I hope to fill the role well and keep the spotlight going to the excellent standards set by Arthemystia.  I also produce the Addon Junkie segments on the podcast, so […]

Shared Topic: When Should a Healer Let Someone Die?

It’s the (relatively) age old question that Ecclesiasticaldisc from Ecclesiastical Discipline brought up for last week’s Shared Topic: is it ever ok for a healer to let someone die?

[…] wondering how other healers feel. Where do you draw the line on shifting the priority of someone’s heals down (or refusing to heal them […]

Addonation – Healbot

Despite it’s name, HealBot (Now called HealBot Continued) is by no means a bot. HealBot is a raid frames addon that collects your party or raid information into a small localized window that can be reshaped and moved around your screen at your will. It has numerous skins that can be customized depends on your […]

Episode 3-Who Moved My Matticus?

This week, we discuss the freshness of cheese, get a great tip about RSS Feeds, and dive into the World of Matticus. All the while, trying to discover why dwarves don’t seem to have children.

