Addon: Multishot (Screenshot)

Multishot_configCross-posted from Mystic Chicanery, Nib’s blog.

Last show Fim and I discussed that we’d like to have an Addon review.. and well.. I do that already on my blog.. so I’ve decided to go ahead and crosspost those reviews here on TNB. If anyone else is interested in posting addon reviews please contact us at and we’ll get something arranged.

No, this isn’t a hunter addon.. though I suppose hunters could use it :).

Multishot is a tiny little addon that automatically takes screenshots for you when certain events happen. You can open the config by hitting ESC and choosing Interface, then the Addon tab. As you can see by my config** (which I’m pretty sure is the default out-of-the-box config). It can take screenshots when you levelup, get an achievement, or when a boss dies either in a dungeon or in a raid.

It does very well capturing the levelup moment.. and the achievements.. but it’s hit/miss on boss deaths. It seems to catch about 90% of them.

That’s it.

** and yes, I will admit it.. I have a lot of addons installed. Whatever.

TNB Live Friday 12/4 8pm PST – Kim from World of Warcraft Wanderings


Please join us as we welcome Kim from World of Warcraft Wanderings to the live show.

Listen in our LIVE chat room and we’ll take questions (and hopefully answer them if we can).

  • When is it?: This live show is scheduled for Friday December 4th at 8pm PST (11pm EST). Not sure what time that is for you? Use this handy-dandy time converter!
  • Where do I go? To participate on the live show, you will need to go to the TNB Live Show page to connect with the stream. See, totally easy. If you are having issues then go to the Ustream page.
  • Some general ground rules:
    1. Be nice. If you say very inappropriate things be aware you will be kicked from the room. We are doing this to have a great time, come with a beer, come during a raid, come how you wish, just don’t come to cause trouble.
    2. You may ask questions to the participants during the show, but we reserve the right to use them if and when we can. I will be monitoring the chat room and if I can I will use the comments during the show. We love that you are with us, but I will have to weave them in. Even if it isn’t asked, we all appreciate your questions

Outside of that, we will love to have you join us and partake in an enlightening discussion that is sure to follow! Hope to see you there!

TNB Live Friday 11/28 8pm PST – Gnomeaggedon is Coming!

gnomes-drakeling (Disclaimer: Gnomeaggeddon totally wrote this and I’m totally going to rip it off and push it into third person 🙂 (and correct the date to Friday the 27th). ~ Nib)

Join Fim and Nib as they talk with Gnomeaggedon (and Gnomeaggedon, and Gnomeaggedon) of Armaggedon’s Coming, “the pimpest dope ret pally you never known” “The Hotest little Gnome Fire Mage you have ever known”. Yep, the big balls of fire will be thrown, the totems will be dropped and an unstoppable steam of inane Dad jokes will spew forth.

Listen in our LIVE chat room and we’ll take questions (and hopefully answer them if we can).

  • When is it?: This live show is scheduled for Friday November 27th at 8pm PST (Saturday 3pm AEST). Not sure what time that is for you? Use this handy-dandy time converter!
  • Where do I go? To participate on the live show, you will need to go to the TNB Live Show page to connect with the stream. See, totally easy. If you are having issues then go to the Ustream page.
  • Some general ground rules:
    1. When you hear the hiss of a stubbie, or chink of a tinny being opened, you must say:
      Ahhh Fosters Lager, it’s got the flavor, that’s taking it all ’round the world
      (Nib: Fim, what’s a Tinny?
      Fim: I think it’s a can.
      Nib: Oh.. ok)

    2. Be nice. If you say very inappropriate things be aware you will be kicked from the room. We are doing this to have a great time, come with a beer, come during a raid, come how you wish, just don’t come to cause trouble.
    3. You may ask questions to the participants during the show, but we reserve the right to use them if and when we can. I will be monitoring the chat room and if I can I will use the comments during the show. We love that you are with us, but I will have to weave them in. Even if it isn’t asked, we all appreciate your questions

Outside of that, we will love to have you join us and partake in an enlightening discussion that is sure to follow! Hope to see you there!

Episode 67 – Begging Your Forbearance

jongIt’s a Retributionary view! Jong from Forbearance is with us this week waxing poetical about the game we all love. We also talk about the delayed rollout of bosses/wings in ICC and the newest WoW Holiday, Pilgrim’s Bounty! Join us for the feast!

Change to next week’s guest.

Instead of the BoE folk, we have Gnomeaggedon from Armaggedon’s Coming joining us on Friday! Credit also goes to Gnomeaggedon for the creative title that was used in this weeks Podcast!


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— Continue reading Episode 67 — Begging Your Forbearance —

Shared Topic: Best Change to the Game


This week’s Shared Topic was suggested by Lathere of Hots & Dots, and asks us to consider (in honour of WoW’s 5 year anniversary) what the best change to the game would be.

I’m suggesting the following as a shared topic:
Many things have changed and improved within the game between Vanilla, BC & Wrath. Which change that Blizzard released, made a fundamental difference to your gaming experience?
A possible expansion to this topic would be what really irritates you that they still haven’t gotten around to fixing?
Thought this would be a fitting topic seeing it’s Wrath’s 1 Year anniversary :)
Be as nostalgic as you want!


Responding to the topic this week are:

Autumnn of Grumble and Autumnn

Shawndra of Escapist Scrawl

Ophelie of The Bossy Pally and the Giant Spoon

Almaster of Lux Legis

Cass and Lath of Hots and Dots.


We are running low on Shared Topics and desperately need your help!  Head on over to the Blog Azeroth forums and suggest a topic of your own, or contribute to an existing one.

This week’s Shared Topic is Of PTR’s and News Websites, suggested by Windsoar of Jaded Alt.