Addon: Multishot (Screenshot)

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Multishot_configCross-posted from Mystic Chicanery, Nib’s blog.

Last show Fim and I discussed that we’d like to have an Addon review.. and well.. I do that already on my blog.. so I’ve decided to go ahead and crosspost those reviews here on TNB. If anyone else is interested in posting addon reviews please contact us at and we’ll get something arranged.

No, this isn’t a hunter addon.. though I suppose hunters could use it :).

Multishot is a tiny little addon that automatically takes screenshots for you when certain events happen. You can open the config by hitting ESC and choosing Interface, then the Addon tab. As you can see by my config** (which I’m pretty sure is the default out-of-the-box config). It can take screenshots when you levelup, get an achievement, or when a boss dies either in a dungeon or in a raid.

It does very well capturing the levelup moment.. and the achievements.. but it’s hit/miss on boss deaths. It seems to catch about 90% of them.

That’s it.

** and yes, I will admit it.. I have a lot of addons installed. Whatever.

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