Blog Azeroth Shared Topic: History of Your Class (1st – 7th February)

Welcome back to another week of Shared Topic blogging!

We’ve got a great topic this week brought to us by Vaylen of Legacy of the Brew!

I thought it would be a fun idea too see other bloggers write about their main class, the lore behind the class and such. Here is my […]

Resource Site Spotlight – WoW Popular

Hello again Twisted Nether Crew and welcome to another Resource Site Spotlight edition!

Today I’d like to focus on an oldie but a goodie. You’ve probably all been here at one time or another but I think it’s worth another look.

Not so very long ago, in the days of talent trees, this was one […]

Resource Site Spotlight – WoW Headlines


Do you know what I love?


Well of course you don’t, so I’ll tell you – specialized content aggregation apps/sites that are well designed with non-cluttered interfaces.

I need to explain that statement.

Have you ever tried out any apps on your smartphone or tablet that aggregates content from a large […]

Shared Topic: Dear Pandaren, What Class Shall I Play?

Last week’s shared topic was all about class. With the upcoming addition of a new race in Mists of Pandaria Amerence asks

What class are you playing with the new race Pandaren on the new upcoming expansion? I know most players are excited to role as a Monk, but there are lots of options to […]

Shared Topic: The Way of the True *Class*

Don’t get me started on what makes a good paladin… I could go on for days! Actually, I probably would have, had my computer not experienced some health issues landing it in computer surgery for for the next couple of weeks.

Fortunately, others participated in the Shared Topic suggested by Rakhman of the appropriately […]