Last week’s shared topic was all about class. With the upcoming addition of a new race in Mists of Pandaria Amerence asks
What class are you playing with the new race Pandaren on the new upcoming expansion? I know most players are excited to role as a Monk, but there are lots of options to choose from. Are you going to be a Pandaren healer, melee, caster dps or a tank?
Rolling a Pandaren are:
Amerence from Amerence Love WoW
DotOrion from Mana Cake Musings
Kamalia from Kamalia et Alia
Karagina from The Reluctant Raider
Mia from Chronicles of Mia
This week the blogging crew is waxing nostalgic and discussing features that have changed or are no longer available in the game. We’d love to queue up some new topics, so feel free to share your idea on the Shared Topic forum!
Happy Blogging!