Windsoar  Monday, 19th of December 2011 at 11:35:41 PM Last week Danslate asked about the flow of time in Azeroth:
Note: This topic was originally mentioned by Rioriel on Twitter and discussed and developed further by Rioriel, Angelya and myself. Therefore, if any credit is due, it is due to them (especially Rioriel for spawning the idea). Of course, I leave it to the […]
Windsoar  Monday, 12th of December 2011 at 06:42:49 PM Welcome back to the Blog Azeroth Shared Topic. I was horribly disorganized the last couple of weeks, and unfortunately allowed a week to slip away from me! This week we’ll be featuring the Shared Topic for the last two weeks in order to get back on track.
First up was a wonderfully creative idea suggested […]
Windsoar  Tuesday, 29th of November 2011 at 10:59:45 AM Yesterday saw the official close of the Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Event, hosted by Amerence, and our shared topic for the last week.
Tying for first place and receiving a Guardian Mount were:
Effraeti – Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Challenge 2011 and
Navimie – Pilgrim and Thanking time, put into a little ryhme
In second place, and […]
Windsoar  Tuesday, 22nd of November 2011 at 11:48:00 AM Last week Mia asked us to walk down memory lane:
Before I was going to bed, I heard someone talk to my husband about some changes in WoW they wish didn’t happen. Like removing some quests, content, class changes. One of the things that popped into my head was “companion deaths”. During the Ragnaros fight […]
Windsoar  Wednesday, 16th of November 2011 at 03:08:11 AM Last week’s shared topic was all about class. With the upcoming addition of a new race in Mists of Pandaria Amerence asks
What class are you playing with the new race Pandaren on the new upcoming expansion? I know most players are excited to role as a Monk, but there are lots of options to […]
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