Netherhood Welcome Wagon – Tricks of the Trade

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Hello Everyone!  I’d like you to join me in welcoming Tikari of Tricks of the Trade!

Tikari started playing WoW back in Vanilla. He decided to try out Warcraft after having played many MUDS (if you aren’t old enough to know what these are, it’s ok, we still love you!) and many first person RPGs. He leveled his rogue up to 60, but not having the time to raid, soon moved on to other adventures. Halfway through Wrath of the Lich King, Tikari found that he had extra time again and decided to give WoW another look. He picked it up as easy as riding a bike, and soon found himself at level 85 and ready to start raiding. He joined Apotheosis and hasn’t looked back since!

Tikari hopes to help new and intermediate rogues learn the shifty way of hiding in the shadows, stealing all the gold from your pockets, making everyone angry in PvP and the other ins and outs of roguery (I’m sure there is something else rogues are good at?!). In addition, he’s very excited about becoming more involved in the community. Ok, ok. I guess rogues aren’t all bad. You can learn more about Tikari as he starts the popular 20 day blog challenge.

Apparently, besides being sneaky, rogues have quite a bit to offer. You can learn about how to evaluate assasination rogues with WoL or even how to steer Lord Rhyolith. Tikari also offers his thoughts on the new MoP Rogue talents and the upcoming rogue legendary.

Even if he is a sneaky rogue, I’m looking forward to reading more of Tikari’s adventures!  Welcome to the Blogosphere!

Every Tuesday, Beruthiel from Falling Leaves and Wings is bringing you the Welcome Wagon, introducing new bloggers and great reads. If you know of a new blog to the scene or wish to get your name out there, please send an email to, with the subject line “Welcome Wagon.” She’ll do her best to highlight as many as possible

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