Stop Monday, 1st of June 2009 at 09:29:29 AM
Okay, so, I’ve got this idea. What if we combined Facebook’s recent activity feed, Twitter’s ability to tell anyone what you’re doing at any given time and list of followers, and your WoW characters? And then we made it all available in an addon that records all that stuff automatically?
Wait, what do […]
Stop Tuesday, 19th of May 2009 at 10:32:10 AM
A day late, but never a dollar short, the Wiki Tiki Utility has arrived to distract you from the fact that Fim’s still editing the podcast entertain, inform, and enlighten you. This week we’re focusing on a site that’s so easy to use that a caveman could use it (after, of course, he […]
Stop Monday, 11th of May 2009 at 10:35:22 AM A wise man once told me, the journey is as important as the destination, if not moreso. Well, it may have not been a wise man, but the advice still stands. Everyone, including your level 80 raiding toon decked out in the phattest of lewtz and your Warlord-title-sporting spike-covered undead rogue, started out the […]
Stop Monday, 4th of May 2009 at 12:00:33 PM
Does this sound like you? “Oh man, do I want this helmet or that helmet? What’s my best bet for a ranged slot item? Where does that danged polearm even come from, anyway?!” Well, fellow WoW players (at least I hope you’re playing WoW… I don’t think you have a ranged slot […]
Stop Monday, 27th of April 2009 at 04:46:43 PM With patch 3.1’s new fishing dailies giving adventurer-fishers everywhere a shot at bags of fishing treasures (some valuable, some useful, some both), there’s never been a better time for WoW characters to put down that polearm and pick up that pole… fishing pole, that is. “But Stop,” I can hear some of you saying, “I […]
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