Episode 95 - Dech and the PseudoID

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We welcome Dechion from Dechion’s Place to the show this week. Big news? RealID in the Forums.. NOT! We discuss this “a little” in addition to, of course, a bunch of new Cataclysm stuff including some cool UI mods.



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General News

Blue: Just say NO to Real Names on the forum http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=25968987278&sid=1

Blue: 31 talent point trees (and all that entails) (link)

new updates including 10point talents (for now) (link)

Some UI Changes (link)

Blizzcon 2010 page is up on TwistedNether.net : Let us know if you are joining us! Also, looking for donations of door prizes to give away at the meetup.

Hot Topics from the Nether!

(via The Pink pigtail Inn) Coming out as an older player in WoW (link)
(via Hand of Argus) FFXIV Has It Right and Predicts Cataclysm (link)
(via Cynwulf’s Auction House Manual) Why You Need a Bank Alt (link)

We’d like to welcome all of the new bloggers who introduced themselves on Blog Azeroth. This week we saw posts from:
– (Priest) Priestage
– (Addons/Interface) /Reloadui
– (WoW) My World on Warcraft
– (shaman) Tide Waters

Shared Topic This Week

Each week on BlogAzeroth a new topic is posted for general blogging. We encourage our listeners to post about that topic on their own blog and then post a link to it in the forum.

Shared Topic: (link)

Pndrev of Primetime Casual (link) came up with a highly imaginative and very actual topic: Worldcup Warcraft!

With the football world cup approaching quickly, nations around the globe get hyped up in a frenzy, waving flags, painting their faces in national colours and generally acting crazy.

Next week…

Next week, sadly, we won’t be here… But we’ll be back the week after that, see you then!

(Opening song “Monster Techno Blues” is preformed Joe Sibol, provided by podssafeaudio.com)

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