No, TNB is not going away but this week we are interviewing a WoW blogger that isn’t logging in to WoW anymore!? It’s Klepsacovic from Troll Racials are Overpowered! |
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Twisted News
Blizzcon Tickets sold out. Our Meetup is Friday, October 21st, 2011. We are looking for sponsors and your participation!
iPhone Mobile Authenticator issue LINK
Dev Watercooler – Cataclysm Talent Tree Post-Mortem LINK
Winged Guardian arrives in Pet Store. LINK
Midsummer Fire Festival 06/21/2011 – 07/05/2011
HOT Topics
Hydra’s Random Tip
Our guest brings up a good point. Make sure you think about how people comment on your blog. Can they? Is it easy to do? Most services have spam filters so they are a lot easier to get rid of then you think.
WoW and The Social Contract (Bossy Pally) LINK
Attitude of the Random Player (Spellbound) LINK
Shared Topic This Week
There are 3 topics this week!!
Shadowfox of Death Knights Don’t Blog and invited us to speculate about possible future classes:
What are your ideas for the next class in an upcoming expansion?
Amerence of Amerence Love WoW posted about a subject matter we can all sink our teeth into:
If you are an mmo gamer/world of warcraft player, just curious what you eat while playing the game in real life… I know there are times that we do munch something while playing an online game, So I like you to name Top 5 favorite food you like that suits your taste while gaming, draw like a pyramid or anything you can think of (be artistic in this category, or put pictures of food if you want) and explain why?
Blacksen of Blacksen’s End suggested a Topic that extended to the World of MMOs:
If you didn’t have to worry about finance, what MMO would you make? What lessons would you take from WoW or other games? What would you do to attract players?
List of new Sites on Blog Azeroth
– (Mage) Pyromania LINK
– (Death Knight) Bloody Tanks LINK
– (Gold) The Gold Queen LINK
– (Shadow Priests) Dispersion LINK
– (Hunter RP) Swear Allegiance LINK