We talk Hunters and Cataclysm with Morynne from Marks-365 this week! In our first show post-shattering we spend some time talking about getting WoW at a discount, the removal of certain mounts and items and a little about the new Darkmoon Faire Fortune site. We also had a couple of emails (keep em coming!) and a LARGE list of new sites from Blog Azeroth. Don’t miss it!
UGT-Servers.com – UGT Servers! Ventrillo Servers for Your Guild!
Twisted News:
4.0.3a is out! The Shattering has happened.
Shattrath / Dalaran Portals Removed LINK
Darkmoon Faire Fortune Unlocks 50% unlock LINK
Act now and get epic savings with €5/$5 World of Warcraft, €5/$5 The Burning Crusade, and €10/$10 Wrath of the Lich King. Gift to a friend or upgrade your account in preparation for the launch of Cataclysm. LINK
DPS Meta Gem requirements changes LINK
Mounts and Items removed in patch 4.0.3 LINK
Official Cataclysm Midnight Events LINK
Hydra will be at the below location! (Depending on the Spawn, but attendance is the plan.)
Fry’s Electronics
10800 Kalama River Avenue
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
If ppl are going, let us know! Call in to our hotline while you are there and leave us a message! If you are going to ANY midnight release give a call into our hotline and get everyone to scream something like “The Cataclysm is Here! On Twisted Nether Blogcast!” Or something..
Feast of Winter’s Veil 12/15-1/2
HOT Topics from the Nether!
Hydra’s Random Tip
Low level herbs are needed by Scribes. You cannot swap Ink of the Sea to lower level ones anymore. Don’t undersell any you are picking while leveling those new toons or while picking up flight paths.
None… keep watching @twistednether twitter for these.. and let us know if you have a post or read a post you think should be on the twisted nether twittercast.
Shared Topic This Week:
Shopshopshop of Runeforge Gossip suggest the Shared Topic , what can your class bring, beyond simple dps buffs?
Recently I’ve been working with my guildmates to figure out what classes to bring to our 10-man Cata raid. Since 10-mans are no longer the smaller easier child you can overgear with 25-man gear, the buffs you bring are even more crucial to setting up a successful raid groups.
And this has gotten me thinking about how we think of classes. We tend to see them mostly as what buffs they bring and their DPS. But often other things are important too, and even more so given that Blizzard wants us to pay more attention to things like CC, mana management, that sort of thing (no more simple stand and DPS fights).
So the topic would be about people posting the interesting and useful things their class brings that won’t appear in a buff per class spreadsheet.
Last week’s topic was Bossypally herself …of looking back at our blogs and on some of the more significant moments we’ve experienced.
Lets write our autoblogography!
What pushed you to start blogging? What challenges have you faced? What are you favorite posts and why? What are the stories behind them? How has blogging affected your gaming?
Those of you who enjoy writing in character could write feature your character reflecting on how they’ve changed since day 1 and about their favorite adventures.
If you’re a new blogger, you can write about your experience so far, about what you hope for the future.
List of new Sites on Blog Azeroth:
– (Healer) Healing Casually LINK
– (General) The Girl Plays WoW LINK
– (Paladin) Muradin Musings LINK
– (Druid) Blessing of the Grove LINK
– (PvP) Ferdinand – “Sometimes his mother, who was a cow, would worry about him.” LINK
– (Ganeral) Chat WoW LINK
– (General) Caster DPS LINK
– (General) I See What You Did There LINK
– (General) Games and Geekery LINK
– (General) Just Another Goblin LINK
– (Paladin) Pork chops n holy sauce LINK
– (General) Asilventures LINK
– (General) Warrior Momma LINK
– (Death Knight) Azeroth and Beyond LINK
– (Healer) Green Bar Spec LINK
– (General) Nethermancy LINK
– (Druid) Mirandinn LINK
– (General) J’s Cache LINK
We encourage everyone to also check out the TNB Wiki Big List of Blogs.
Coming Soon…
Episode 110 will be recorded 12/4/2010.
To be included in our episodes send TNB your MP3′s (info@twistednether.net) or call into our hotline at 407-705-3161. We look forward to hearing from our fans.
(Opening song “Monster Techno Blues” is preformed Joe Sibol, provided by podssafeaudio.com)