Episode 96 - RP in the Stream

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This week we welcome Arcania from Warpriestess. We talk a ton about RP, of course! News includes the usual Cataclysm updates (Spoiler Alert!) and we’ve got a couple of emails and such to boot.



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General News

Blizzcon 2010 Stream now available for order. Visit the Blizzcon site for more information.

Icecrown buff to 30%

MMO-Champion acquired by Curse!

Redesign of Battle.net site

More Info available on the Guild Perks.. (link)

Ghostcrawler talks about Talent Tree design: http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/1887-Talent-Tree-Design-Blue-Posts

Twitter Dev Chat! (link)

Hot Topics from the Nether!

(via The Pink Pigtail Inn) Blogger Disagreements – when does it begin to hurt? (link)
(via NoStockUI) World of Warcraft… It Does A Body Good? (link)
(via Dreambound) What is Skill? (link)

We’d like to welcome all of the new bloggers who introduced themselves on Blog Azeroth. This week we saw posts from:
– (Hunter) Echo the Patient
– (Tanking and healing) Paw Prints at the Portal
– (WoW and Priesting) Awesome Priest
– (Prot Paladins) I gem Crit
– (Healing) Type “H” for Heals
– (WoW) Altaholics Diary
– (Guild Life) MisGuilded
– (Lighthearted Rants) Tears of a Goddess
– (Druids) FeralTree
– (WoW) Bag Overflow
– (Mages) Runzwithfire

Shared Topic This Week

Each week on BlogAzeroth a new topic is posted for general blogging. We encourage our listeners to post about that topic on their own blog and then post a link to it in the forum.

Shared Topic: (link)

Strumwulf of Strumwulf’s Page of Stories and Ideas came up with the great idea of RPing a scene with your favorite mount.

My idea is that we roleplay a scene with a mount your character has. It can be anything from how you acquired the mount to its death.

Next week…

Next week, sadly, we won’t be here… But we’ll be back the week after that, see you then!

(Opening song “Monster Techno Blues” is preformed Joe Sibol, provided by podssafeaudio.com)

Addon Junkie Links

Seedyrom Video Tutorial on PowerAuras:  http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/educational/watch/v15571157gEYhEB6C

Aliena written tutorial on PowerAuras:  http://www.tankspot.com/showthread.php?58444-powerauras-tutorial

Matthew McCurley article on Wow.com on NeedToKnow:  http://www.wow.com/2010/04/29/addon-spotlight-needtoknow/

3 comments to Episode 96 – RP in the Stream

  • Hah, “Fetaltree” ftw! Changes the tone of the blog a bit 😉

    Thanks for the linkage for my site though.

  • Supernerd

    Actually, most druids stealth before an arena match begins, so you really don’t know what they are until they pop out. Also, on the Paladin comment, you can tell pretty much what spec a Paladin is by looking at how much Mana they have. Between 5-10k they’re ret, 20k+ they’re holy. Prot will have around the same Mana pool as ret, but you’ll be able to tell by their health or what gear they’re wearing (Sword/Board or Two Hander).