You get another two for one Shared Topic package deals this week!
The first topic, from two weeks ago, was suggested by Nenunial of The Rambling Draenei Death Knight. Giving us an opportunity to show off our drawing (or at least our screenshotting) skills, she proposed posting a screenshot or fanart and talking a bit about it.
You know the saying, a picture tells a thousand words? It’s true! But, for us WoW players, that also extends to screenshots and fanart.
So, include a screenshot, some fanart, or even some art that you create yourself, and tell what it reminds you of. Does it make you smile? Remember a hilarious circumstance in a heroic with some guildies? Or even mutter to yourself, “They really should nerf ___insert class here___”?
Be inspired by screenshots and WoW artwork, and blog about it!
Participating were:
Nenunial of The Rambling Draenei Death Knight
Relevart of Relevart’s Druid Reliquary
RestoDude of RestoDude
Feraltree of FeralTree
Mishaweha of My, myself… and All of Them (she cheated and did a second post too)
Ringo Flinthammer of Flinthammer Hall
Erinys of The Harpy’s Nest
Pndrev of Prime Time Casual
Anaia of Tears of a Goddess
Amaranth of Love and War in Azeroth
Anslym of Bag Overflow
Poptart of Poptartica
Aestiah of She Can’t DPS
Anexxia of Bible of Dreams
Aaand for last week’s Shared Topic, Anexxia was inspired by the new guild features in Cataclysm and asked us what we thought could increase (or decrease!) our rep with our guild.
While the details around the Guild system are being held close to the vest by Blizzard, I think we all have some opinions about what should give you rep with your guild. Or even, perhaps what should give you NEGATIVE rep.
Sharing their ideas were:
Anexxia of Bible of Dreams
Relevart of Relevart’s Druid Reliquary
Revoemag of Siphoned Life
Morynne of Marks-365
Variant Avatar of Variant Avatar
Excandersham of Excandersham’s Wow Guides
Redhawks of Redhawks’ Gaze
Psynister of Psynister’s Notebook
Zalduun of Blessing of Fish
As for this week’s Shared Topic, we’re coming up with Achievement ideas. But not just any achievements- classic WoW achievement. Take a walk through memory lane and think up some possible achievements for the bosses in the Old World Raids, for some of the more interesting quests or more! After you blog about it, be sure to share a link to your post in the thread at Blog Azeroth.
And just in case you’re curious about some upcoming topics, here are the next three:
How your class is viewed
Group relations: how to assist/protect
What would you change in the UI with Cataclysm?