Episode 46 – Holy Bubble Spec

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holydiscipline This week we talk turkey, well.. really healing and stuff, with Anea from HolyDiscipline. We also discuss the “Ferraro Fiasco” and the “Right Way to Blog”.

General News

The Ferraro Fiasco (link)
New Druid Cat and Bear Forms (link)
“is tree form fun?” (link to gc post)
Ghostcrawler on Pet scaling (link to Mania’s Arcania)
3.1.3 out (tuesday)
Blizzcon Tickets done.

Meta Gems and Hot Topics from the Nether!

What is the Twisted Nether Twittercast? (#TNTCast) We’re “adding value” to our twitter feed (@TwistedNether) by tweeting out links to interesting articles.
“I’ve found an interesting blog post, how do I get it listed in the #TNTCast?” Email us at tntcast@twistednether.net or tweet us @TwistedNether.

A new site called Nourish to your attention. It’s a little different in that it is a WoW Recipe Site.. No.. not like that.. REAL recipes..

Have to talk about the “right way to blog”
Matticus: The Purple Kodo: 13 Points of Blogging
Lassirra: 10 Reasons Why Your WoW Blog is Boring
Saresa: Open Letter To The Blogging Masses
Blog Azeroth: Discussion of what constitutes a good WoW Blog
many others…

Jess’s Pet segment.

Twisted Blog of the Week

From the Show

We’d like to welcome all of the new bloggers who introduced themselves on Blog Azeroth. This week we saw posts from:

– (paladin) Pally Tankadin
– (Priest) Adventures of a Priest
– (alts) tank, heal, dps – an altoholic at his best
– (Druid) The Druid Reliquary
– (Druid) Mark of the Wild
– (Hunter) OutDPS

We’d like to encourage all of you to visit the TNB Wiki and be sure to be listed in the Big List of Blogs.

Next week…

Next week we’ll be chatting with Honorshammer of Honor’s Code. Yeah for Pallies!

(Opening song “Monster Techno Blues” is preformed Joe Sibol, additional song credits: Phonecasting – Foggy Monutain Morning)

9 comments to Episode 46 – Holy Bubble Spec

  • Alcuin

    Imagine if Jay Leno got on the Tonight Show every night and for the vast majority of the time that he was on the show talked about how he was making this TV show and how much does the camera cost and he was really interested in getting a new microphone and he was talking to David Letterman the other day about making TV shows (cuz he was really cool cuz he knew David Letterman) and you know David Letterman said something to him that was REALLY interesting and it made him stop and think about how REALLY interesting that was and oh my god like if you want to make a better TV program you should do this that or the other, but his TV program wasn’t really about that.

    That’s right, imagine he spent the entire time talking about making the TV program. WHO WANTS TO HEAR A PODCAST ON WOW WHERE 90% OF THE TIME IS SPENT TALKING ABOUT THE MEDIUM IN WHICH YOU ARE PUBLISHING THE SHOW?! Other podcasters/bloggers that’s who. Your show isn’t about WoW. It’s about podcasting and blogging. It should be rebranded as “The official show of podcasting and blogging.”

    Listen to your show. Your real passion is not WoW. It’s podcasting and blogging. You waste the time of the people that actually have the passion of WoW and want to listen to a subject specific program about WoW.

    Your podcast fails.

  • @Alcuin: Imagine if you made a comment on a show called the Twisted Nether BLOGcast, branded as the official Podcast of a site called Blog Azeroth which was all about blogging.


    Read your comment, consider where you left it. You waste the time of the people who understand that this is a podcast about WoW and Blogging.

    Your comment fails.

  • @Alcuin:

    I’m really sorry that you didn’t enjoy this episode. Have you listened to other episodes? Most of the time we have a little less blogging, but in general, that is our niche. Our main focus is, however, WoW Blogs and WoW Blogging. We just happened to have a lot more blog talk in this particular episode.

    Not for nothing, but there are many, many shows out there about WoW. Our show tries to integrate both WoW (which Nibuca and I do VERY MUCH have a passion for) and Blogging. If you aren’t interested in the topics we discuss, then I suggest you try out some of the many other shows out there. Ones like Outlandish, Rawrcast and The Instance.

    Thank you for your feedback

  • Wait…Just…wait. This podcast, that was originally started in the BLOG Azeroth WoW blogging forums, BY two WoW bloggers, is about…BLOGGING about WoW?? No way! I’m shocked too!…Oh wait, no I’m not! I know how to click links and check things out before I foam at the mouth.

    Your skill in reading comprehension decreases to 11.

  • “Imagine if Jay Leno got on the Tonight Show every night and for the vast majority of the time that he was on the show talked about how he was making this TV show and how much does the camera cost and he was really interested in getting a new microphone and he was talking to David Letterman the other day about making TV shows (cuz he was really cool cuz he knew David Letterman) and you know David Letterman said something to him that was REALLY interesting and it made him stop and think about how REALLY interesting that was and oh my god like if you want to make a better TV program you should do this that or the other, but his TV program wasn’t really about that.”

    That actually sounds quite fascinating. I’d love to watch that. >.>

  • …wtf, how did it post my name as Alcuin? o.O Nooooo this is Pike.

  • I actually enjoyed this episode very much. I enjoy the uniqueness that is the TNB. I considered myself to be a casual listener, catching episodes here and there. After this episode, I’m definitely going to become a regular listener and follower. Thanks!