Hey everyone! Time for a mid-week blogger tip!
Know your readers (part 1)
Sounds simple, right? But if you think about it, without using some kind of tracking, you have no idea who reads your page or how they get there. The first part of knowing your readers is using a blog statistics tracker like WordPress Stats, Google Analytics, Sitemeter, Woopra, or one of several wordpress-plugins that do similar functions.
(Ok, so maybe I use four)
What good does that do, you say? Well, you can learn a lot from these kinds of statistics, so for now let’s just focus on one thing. Referrals.
Looking at a referrals page in your blog statistics tells who is linking to your blog, and what posts (specifically) they’re linking. It also usually gives a web address where you can go to see what someone has said about what you wrote. This then expands your own blog readership, because now you know of a new blog to read – and you know that that person is reading what you write and sending their readers your way.
Referral statistics let you know about other bloggers reading and linking to your blog – know your readers!
*image credit Miqueias
Every Thursday, one of the Annas from Too Many Annas stops by with a mid-week blogger tip. If you have questions or suggestions for future tips, email Anna ( tips at twistednether dot net ) with a message titled “Blog Tipping”.