Episode 244 – Robo Graphics

This week we welcome back Zoopercat from Ask Mr. Robot to talk about all the changes to the site and maybe a little preview on things to come. Oh, and we talk a bunch about World of Podcasts and Blizzcon.


Shared Topics: Future Cataclysm content patches and Your Favorite Weapon

Yay! Two Shared Topics! What a fantastic way to end the weekend!

The first Shared Topic, from two weeks ago (I left it open an extra week since it was such a good topic and I was hoping to read more posts on it- yes I’m selfish like that) was suggested by Ringo Flinthammer of […]

Resource Site Spotlight: Talentchic (now called WowPopular)

Hi again! Today we’re going to talk about a very popular site that used to be known as Talent Chic. They have since moved their site to wowpopular.com and cover more than talents now. Basically, this site allows you to be a better sheep. Some people don’t want to have to trawl through 150 pages […]