Hello Everyone! I’d like you to join me in welcoming Rayze of The Lazy Tree!
Rayze started playing WoW somewhere around patch 3.2, and while being a long time fan of RPG types games, he was new to the MMO experience. Not wanting anything to do with raiding when he started the game, he joined a social guild. He spent the start of his WoW career dancing naked in Ashenvale, retro-raiding and jumping from the dam in Loch Modan. Soon enough, however, Rayze was bitten by the raiding bug and started raiding on his Warlock to see what it was all about.
Rayze raided on his warlock until mid Tier 11, when he decided he wanted to give healing a go and started raiding on his Druid. He loved the change of pace, and started avidly digesting the many druid and healing focused blogs available. At some point he felt that he wanted to contribute his thoughts on raiding, healing and WoW in general and started up The Lazy Tree!
Rayze has started out fantastically! You can find a some guidance on setting up Tell Me When and a resource page of helpful healing information. If that isn’t interesting enough for you, perhaps you might be more interested in his thoughts on Transmorgification or his thoughts on the upcoming Wild Growth Nerf.
Rayze is off to a great start! I can’t wait to read more of his thoughts. Welcome to the Blogosphere, Rayze!
Every Tuesday, Beruthiel from Falling Leaves and Wings is bringing you the Welcome Wagon, introducing new bloggers and great reads. If you know of a new blog to the scene or wish to get your name out there, please send an email to fallingleaves51@gmail.com, with the subject line “Welcome Wagon.” She’ll do her best to highlight as many as possible
Dammit, I really can’t slack off anymore now. 😀