Here we are at what is likely to be my last Shared Topic recap. We’ve got one, possibly two awesome people who volunteered to take over. You will probably get to meet at least one of them next week.
Back to business now, our Topic from two weeks ago compares group questing vs solo questing, a Topic that is long overdue considering the Cataclysmic change in quests. The Topic was suggested by Martha from
While there are some quests that specifically call for grouping, most don’t… but do you group anyway? How many of you pick up a friend or guildie to quest with and how many grind the lonely roads alone?
Sharing the Topic were:
Martha from
Amerence from Amerence Love WoW
Saga from Spellbound
Jod from Jod’s Blog
Elkagorasa from Elkagorasa the Casual
Kallixta from Kallixta’s Notes
Bless from Horde Review
Oathblade from Info about WoW from the Altaholic
Dragonray from Azerothian Life
And our more recent Topic was suggested by Essence of Gamer Girl Confessions who asks us to share our World of Warcraft IRL creations:
Inspired by Kalixta’s WoW Recipe IRL topic and the “World of Warcrafts” column over at WoW Insider, I started wondering, how many people are into making WoW-like things in real life? Not just food, though food could count too. But how many people create pottery inspired by WoW? Or wigs, or costumes inspired by WoW? Or even knit or sew things relating to WoW? Or are you a fan artist with pen and paper or pastels or clay? How about Machinmas? Comics? Stories?
Is there WoW inspiration in your life? Do you wear it proudly? Do you make it? Are you interested in it? This could go lots of ways–share what you make, or link to creations you’re fond of!
Participating were:
Essence from Gamer Girl Confessions
Rhoelyn from Beneath Two Skies (who didn’t really participate but did share her crafting column)
Saga from Spellbound
Kamalia from Kamalia et alia
Martha from
Kallixta from Kallixta’s Notes