Netherhood Welcome Wagon – Yelling On The Internet

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Hello Everyone! I’d like you to join me in welcoming Jadissa of Yelling on the Internet.

Jadissa started playing WoW a few months after the game’s launch. Having been a fan of Blizzard’s previous efforts, he found it no surprise that he was immediately hooked. His favorite instances are Karazhan and Ulduar. No one it taking away his gnomish engineer’s guild membership. And he enjoys the lore, play and looks of the Draenei! Jadissa spends his time raiding as a paladin (Draenei, of course!), and enjoying the challenges Firelands is presenting.

In addition to WoW, Jadissa’s guild and social group has decided to explore additional group gaming. Including other MMO’s, League of Legend and Steam Games. As a group they’ve found that these adventures have helped to build up their friendships outside of WoW, and have really been enjoying getting to know each other even better.

Over at Yelling on the Internet Jadissa hope to look at a variety of topics surrounding gaming culture. You might find something about WoW one day, and Rift the next. Or thoughts that transcend one game into the more general MMO topics of raid leading and guild leading. He intends offer his thoughts up for conversation, knowing that not everyone will agree with him, but will have intelligent conversations about different topics in the gaming community. You might find things such as what it feels like to go from driving the raid bus, to being a passenger. Or perhaps a look one tank’s take on the great threat nerf. Or perhaps have an interesting conversation about your thoughts on the looking for raidd tool.

I’m looking forward to hearing more of Jadissa’s thoughts on his gaming communities!  Welcome to the Blogosphere, Jadissa!


Every Tuesday, Beruthiel from Falling Leaves and Wings is bringing you the Welcome Wagon, introducing new bloggers and great reads. If you know of a new blog to the scene or wish to get your name out there, please send an email to, with the subject line “Welcome Wagon.” She’ll do her best to highlight as many as possible

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