Shared Topic: LOL Things!

dragonray gave us this weeks (30th April – 6th May) shared topic:

So recently I have been levelling some alts – all different levels from about 30 upwards and I have been noticing cute or funny things which I have been screenshotting and videoing.

I know this is probably a topic that gets discussed […]

Resource Site Spotlight – The Visual Roleplay Gear List

This RSS was a suggestion by Apple (aka Azeroth Apple) and Rades and I would like to thank both of them for such a wonderful pick! More suggestions for WoW resources are ALWAYS appreciated! =)

The Visual Roleplay Gear List is a dream come true for every player in WoW wanting to partake in […]

Shared Topic: The Most Balanced It’s Ever Been

After a couple of week’s hiatus due to me moving AGAIN and not be able to get my internet working until two weeks later, the Shared Topics are back! This week’s Topic was suggested by Ringo Flinthammer of Flintammer Hall, who was inspired by the words of our favourite crab:

Ghostcrawler recently said that, […]

Shared Topics: Premium Services and What Keeps You Coming Back?

Greetings, greetings! I didn’t mean to fall behind again, but I’ve been backpacking for about a week and a half now, and sure enough, the inevitable happened.

I’m still really pressed for time – I’ve totally overstayed my welcome in this coffee shop – so this round up is going to be quick. Besides, […]

Episode 121 – Whalen Caverns

This week we welcome Whalen from Curse to the show. He talks about his job there, wowstead and, of course, playing WoW! Not a lot of news but we do talk about the iPad 2 (why?) and go over the shared topics and new blogs.

SPONSOR – UGT Servers! […]