Phaelia  Wednesday, 29th of October 2008 at 05:43:57 PM This week’s Shared Topic was suggested by Druid author Sydera of the World of Matticus and is entitled “What kind of class are you?” She suggests that authors create a multi-question quiz to determine what kind of <INSERT YOUR CLASS HERE> your visitors are! She’s even provided a sample question to help you get started:
Phaelia  Wednesday, 8th of October 2008 at 06:06:37 PM While Wrath of the Lich King apathy has certainly contributed to many guilds’ difficulties fielding numbers for TBC raid content, a second factor in raiding truancy is probably the recent release of Warhammer Online. Produced by Mythic Entertainment, Warhammer Online is probably a better contender for permanent customer theft than this year’s earlier release of […]
Phaelia  Thursday, 2nd of October 2008 at 06:32:49 PM This week’s (belatedly announced) Shared Topic was suggested by Wildwynd of Rick’s Place and is entitled “Progression: When is Slow Too Slow?” Here are a few different suggestions for how you might approach this topic:
When does a guild’s lack of advancement make the feet of more progress-minded members start to itch? How can you […]
Phaelia  Wednesday, 24th of September 2008 at 01:32:29 AM Blizzard tries to make each of the primary professions uniquely beneficial to the players who’ve opted to progress them. In Wrath of the Lich King, Tailors can look forward to unique patterns they can embroider onto cloaks and flying carpets; Blacksmiths can add new gem sockets to existing gear, and Leatherworkers will be able […]
Phaelia  Wednesday, 10th of September 2008 at 04:02:06 PM
This week’s shared topic was suggested by 2nd Nin and is entitled “Casuals, Players, and Raiders.” Authors are encouraged to share their definitions of these three types player and their opinions on how they’ve evolved.
Some of the current contributors include:
Musings of a Raider Kagraa of Druid Team Casual Raid Leader Lethal Shots […]
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