This week Fimlys and Zabine welcome Ceraphus from The Sundering and co-chair of the Con Before the Storm pre-Blizzcon party. Hydra couldn’t make it to the festivities for this show and we all apologize for the buzzing sound coming from Fimlys.
Public Service Annoucement: Con Before the Storm is not held in Mountain Time. |
Twisted Links
Blizzcon LINK
Convention Days: Friday, November 2 and Saturday, November 3, 2018.
Universe Ticket Link
First batch: On sale at 7 p.m. Pacific time on Wednesday, May 9.
Second batch: On sale at 10 a.m. Pacific time on Saturday, May 12.
Con Before the Storm LINK
Twitter: @conbeforestorm
Kickstarter LINK
CBtS: November 1, 2018
Coming Soon…
Next is Episode 291, we will be recording LIVE with our hosts and just maybe a guest. Please keep a watch on the site or twitter for updates. All episodes can be listen live with Fimlys, Hydra, and Zabby, join us to ask our guest questions and heckle Fimlys.
Visit us on the blog for further updates or on Twitter @TwistedNether.
Send your questions or comments to be included on TNB to (text or MP3′s) or call into our hotline at 407-705-3161. We look forward to hearing from our fans.
(Opening song “Monster Techno Blues” is preformed Joe Sibol)