Why yes…. She is a Dinosaur.. Our guest this week is the one, the only Miyari from WoWHead! We had a great time talking to her. We also talk a tiny bit about 4.1 (being released NOW!), mobile guild chat and even a Dev Watercooler about Crits! |
UGT-Servers.com – UGT Servers! Ventrillo Servers for Your Guild!
Twisted News of the week
Dev Watercooler: Critical Hits (And Misses) LINK
Wow Mobile Guild Chat!! Free for now, but will have to pay the monthly when they decide. LINK
Blizzard giving SC2 players 30 days of wow. LINK
4.1 is COMING!
Guild Finder
Rise of Zandalari
Suggestion to Blizzard… in RSS, the title doesn’t link to the post.. I don’t know why.. Maybe just google reader, but it doesn’t work.
Noblegarden 04/24/2011 – 05/01/2011
HOT Topics
Hydra’s Random Tip
“@35yards: Can you remind bloggers through the @TwistedNether hot tips to update their Armory links?” We keep talking about the Blizzard Blog with the changes come new links. Go check yours to see if you need to update them.
Curating Azeroth: Museums, Scholarship and Archeology Fragments (Flavor Text) LINK
Shared Topic This Week
Kamalia of Kamalia et alia proposed the topic concerning the nature of the relationship between a player’s alts.
I’ve always considered that my various characters know each other. Each one of them may not personally know every single one of the others, but they are all connected in a web of family and friend relationships. I know that other bloggers, most famously Ratshag, and also Grimmtooth, write about their characters as being a “family of misfits” type of community. And so I’ve been wondering, how did your alts “become the Brady Bunch”?
Whether you have many alts or just a few, do they know each other? Do they have some sort of relationship as people living in Azeroth, or is sending materials and money between them just a game mechanic for you? If your characters do know each other, what kind of relationships do they have, and how did those relationships come into being? If they don’t, what functions do your different alts serve?
Akabeko of Red Cow Rise asks about our personal gaming idiosyncrasies.
Most everyone has a routine for when they play WoW, but do you have any habits that are particularly eccentric? Do you always log out in the same place, try on other’s gear when inspecting, or obsessively spam a macro or trinket at weird times? Out of game, do you have to crack your knuckles every time you take a flight path, put on your PJs in order to really get into the game, or tab out immediately upon wiping?
List of new Sites on Blog Azeroth
– (General) Innervation For The Mind! LINK
We encourage everyone to also check out the TNB Wiki Big List of Blogs.
We are always looking for more intros/outros. Either call our voicemail at 407-705-3161 or email us the audio file to info@twistednether.net . MORE MORE MORE. Make sure you pimp your blog, podcast, twitter account or even your guild!
Ark inventory tutorial link – http://youtu.be/cGFd6EVDvRs
Coming Soon…
Next week is Episode 128 on April 30, 2011 with a ROUND TABLE (unless 4.1 doesn’t drop on Tuesday). Visit us on the blog for further updates or on Twitter @TwistedNether.
To be included in our episodes send TNB your MP3′s (info@twistednether.net) or call into our hotline at 407-705-3161. We look forward to hearing from our fans.
(Opening song “Monster Techno Blues” is preformed Joe Sibol, provided by podssafeaudio.com)