Shared Topic: Were 5 Levels Enough?

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Here’s a Topic that reaches right into our heads and encourages us to speak up on an aspect of Cataclysm that we’ve all secretly pondered: were 5 levels (as opposed to the usual 10 per expansion) a good idea?

Ringo Flinthammer of Flinthammer deserves all the credit for bringing up this great Topic:

For the first time, WoW’s latest expansion, Cataclysm, only raised the level cap by 5 levels, in addition to the other content it added. Was Blizzard right to make this call? All other things being equal — the same number of high level zones and dungeons, for instance — should they have raised the cap by 10 levels? Should the fourth expansion be a 5-level or 10-level jump?

Want to know what WoW bloggers and readers had to say about it? Read the posts by:

Fealen from Cow and Bones

Elionene from Good Morning Azeroth

Elsen from View Through the Branches

Casual Raider from The Casual Raider

Tazok from Azeroth and Beyond

Kallixta from Kallixta’s Notes

Naithin from Fun in Games

Etherjammer from Duct Tape and a Prayer

Corath from Corath’s Blog

Anslym from Bag Overflow

Squelchy from Blame Squelchy

As for this upcoming week, our Shared Topic concerns boss fights. For the common of the mortals, most raid (and even some 5-man) bosses feel chaotic the first time. It’s like being in a loud, flashy bar where everyone speaks a foreign language. But eventually it falls together and before you know it, you’re doing the fight with one hand, while doing your nails with the other and watching TV. How do you get from the initial chaos to the magic “ah-ha!” moment where everything falls together? Blog all about it and share the link in the thread at Blog Azeroth!

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