Over the previous two weeks, we’ve had two Shared Topics that were designed to keep our creative juices flowing while we patiently wait for Cataclysm: one suggested by Amaranth of Specced for Drama about designing our perfect weapon, and the other suggested by Zahia of One More Alt about creating a boss fight.
The first:
What would be the perfect weapon for your character(s) and why? Is it something already in game? Is there lore or a roleplay reason that you’d use this weapon? Would you wish for a completely new item to be implemented in the game just for you? What would it look like? Would it have special abilities? Is there a story behind how you got it? Does it have a fancy name like Frostmourne?
Describing their ideal weapons are:
Amaranth from Specced for Drama
Violet Scribe from The Violet Scribe
Tazok from Azeroth and Beyond
Toendra from Nethermancy
Saz from World of Saz
And the second!
If you were a developper being asked to design a boss for Cataclysm, what boss would you create ? Would it be a vicious warrior, a crazy shaman, a cheating rogue, an overpowered mage, or a mix of all of these ? What would his more letal skill be ? What type of lair would he have ?
Sharing their creations are:
Zahia from One More Alt
Saz from World of Saz
CasterDPS from Caster DPS
Anslym from Bag Overflow
And next, our Shared Topic is, yes, CATACLYSM! As soon as you’re able to tear yourself away from your newly installed expansion, we want to hear what you think! Blog about your initial impressions and link back to your post in the thread at Blog Azeroth!
Want to get a head start on Shared Topics? Check out:
Real life intruding on game life
Pet Peeves
Happy blogging!
Oh I did those topics this time even if it wasn’t anything I spotted until afterwards, readong this.
On the perfect weapon:
On my first Cataclysm impressions: