Episode 107 – Stealthy Angel

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stealthy This week we welcome StealthySlyth from GamingAngels.com to the show. We met her briefly at the TNB Meetup at Blizzcon and invited her on to talk with us! Sorry for all the technical issues this week. Nothing seemed to want to work well, but we did as best we could with what we had. Other things we talked about include the Battle Resurrection changes and the merging of battlegroups! There are a bunch of Shared Topics and a TON of introduced blogs from Blog Azeroth.

StealthySlyth’s Articles on Gaming Angels


UGT-Servers.com – UGT Servers! Ventrillo Servers for Your Guild!

Twisted News:

Twisted Nether Blizzcon Flicker page LINK

New community site preview/forums/etc. – article on TNB LINK

Battlegroups are merging slowly. Whirlwind and Emberstorm are now joined. LINK

The trailer for The Raid has been posted LINK

Rawrcast – Want a Red Rocket Mount? Think you can Rap? Nov 20th Check it out.  LINK

Combat Ressurection change: Druid Rebirth 10 min cooldown and Soulstone is 15 min cooldown. Only 1 combat rez per 10man combat and 3 for 25man combat. LINK

If you blinked you may have missed the Day of the dead 11/1-11/2

HOT Topics from the Nether!

Hydra’s Random Tip

Gold Tip – Clean out your banks now! If you are keeping it, organize it. If you don’t need it, sell it before Cataclysm. Keep in mind that a lot of people are leveling new toons for Cataclysm. Unlike in Burning Crusade we have Bind on Account items now so that low level epic may not be worth any more now then then. If you want to focus on your own game minimize your speculation. Organization and empty bank slots are worth more to your own game then that stack of silk cloth.


Need More Evil (Need More Rage) LINK

Shared Topic This Week

With Blizzcon and the Round Table we are behind on our shared topics reporting, so this week we have 3!

Syl of Raging Monkeys suggested we share our WoW “secrets”, elements from the game that we think are awesome and that few people know about.

[…] some small and unexpected things in WoW can delight you and be something you will remember forever. not the big questlines and NPCs blizzard makes sure nobody will miss or every guide makes sure to mention, but the more hidden places or special characters in the game that still offer something unique or entertaining to those that can find them. I would absolutely love to read about more such secret places or NPCs in wow, I have a feeling that there’s quite a few I’ve missed! 😀 this could be a very interesting topic more bloggers might enjoy(?)

[…]i wouldn’t want to restrict the topic to NPCs only, but ask generally: what wow secrets have you discovered on your long journey through the world of warcraft? what unexpected, surprising or delightfully ‘pointless’ things have you chanced upon that add something special to the game for you?

Azryu of The Arcanery, after playing around with the in-game voice chat, wondered what would happen if the feature worked in cross-realm dungeons.

It was just the other day when I took the time to read the second half of the menu button “Sound & Voice”. Immediately I wanted to toy with it. It was after a few minutes of messing around when a thought stuck my mind: does this work in cross-server dungeons?

To my dismay, it appears it does not. But….
what if it did?

This weeks topic was suggested by Rakhman of the appropriately named blog Way of the Druid.

What flavour items and achievements would make a character of your class truly a member of said class. For the Druid class I have come up with some (fairly obvious) things.

What about your class? Which items, titles, mounts, achievements exist in the World of Warcraft which a true master of the class would possess? How would you go about getting them today?

New to Blog Azeroth

We’d like to welcome all of the new bloggers who introduced themselves on Blog Azeroth. The last few weeks we saw posts from:

– (Hunter) One Man Raid LINK
– (Paladin) Judging Chasey LINK
– (General) The Grumpy Gnome LINK
– (General) Tome of the Ancient LINK
– (Gold Making) Cold’s Gold Factory LINK
– (Druid) The Inconspicuous Bear LINK
– (General) Tadaah’s Place: Home of The Unemployed Gamer LINK
– (Druid) An Eternal Odyssey LINK
– (General Tanking) Dedicated insanity LINK
– (Druid) Bizzie the Ent LINK
– (Death Knights) Onike’s Abyss LINK
– (RL) MMO Leader LINK
– (General) Corath’s Blog LINK
– (Mages) Tastes Like Strudels LINK
– (Druid) The grove LINK
– (General) Shammylove LINK
– (Druid) Red Cow Rise LINK
– (Druid) 15 Minutes of Wow LINK

We encourage everyone to also check out the TNB Wiki Big List of Blogs.

Coming Soon…

Episode 108 will be recorded on Saturday, November 13, 2010 – 8:30 pm PDT with Seven and Thespius of Raid Warning

To be included in our episodes send TNB your MP3′s (info@twistednether.net) or call into our hotline at 407-705-3161. We look forward to hearing from our fans.

(Opening song “Monster Techno Blues” is preformed Joe Sibol, provided by podssafeaudio.com)

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