Episode 99 is here! We’re one episode away from the big 100th Round Table of Super Awesomeness (or something like that). This week, however, we have invited Nicole Spag on the show. Besides, of course, being an avid World of Warcraft gamer, she is the Host/Co-Host on many a podcast including Ladies of Leet, a very cool video game podcast, and Movielicious, a movie podcast! We also have some info on Blizzcon and, as usual, the smattering of news about Cataclysm. Don’t miss it!
UGT-Servers.com – UGT Servers! Ventrillo Servers for Your Guild!
Twisted News:
JointheRaid.com prescreening party and post-con party at Blizzcon Saturday night. Link for Ticket Information.
If you are going to Blizzcon and want a ticket, show up to next weeks show! Additionally send an email to us letting us know you are interested. We’ll pick the lucky winners from our live audience on our 100th episode next week!!!
Blizzcon Pet announced – Deathy the Merloc
UI Addon Functionality Returning (MMO Champion) Link
We Are Legendary – Retroactive! (MMO Champion) Link
Dual-Specialization Price Reduced (MMO Champion) Link
The price of Dual-Specialization has been lowered in a recent beta build, it now costs 100 gold and new players who reach level 40 should be able to afford it without too much problem.
Character Selection Screen – Built-In Theorycraft (MMO Champion) Link
In Cataclysm, the character screen will let you check easily how much of stat you need to be capped, calculations for Expertise, Hit Rating, and a few other stats are available. This will probably save you a lot of time when you try to figure out if you really need that extra hit on your shiny new epic.
Volley removed! Link
HOT Topics from the Nether!
Hydra’s Basic Gold Tip
Check your Dalaran Cooking Award Tokens. Each one gives you 10 Northern Spices. Sell them! They will be worthless as it gets closer to expansion. Keep in mind that people will be leveling alts when Cata comes out because of the new races and character class combos so you may want to save some for then. BUT if you think you will forget after 24 hours of listening to this …sell now!!
Blog Tip
Hydra published a post that was meant to be scheduled for the next day. Blog Azeroth Chat saved the day. Morynne of Marks 365 told her how to fix it since she uses Feedburner.
Login to Feedburner and go to the tab Troubleshootize, about half way down is a “Resync Now” button.
Resync takes the following actions:
* Clears our cached version and refreshes its content from your Original Feed
* Creates podcast enclosures for items that did not previously have them and contain links to podcast content
* Reports any feed formatting problems encountered during the resync
Shared Topic This Week
Each week on BlogAzeroth a new topic is posted for general blogging. We encourage our listeners to post about that topic on their own blog and then post a link to it in the forum.
This week’s topic was suggested by Anea from Obeying the Muse, asking us how we thought NPCs reacted to our character’s class.
How do you think your class is viewed/treated by NPCs?
This stemmed from a pondering about how my rogue might be viewed/treated by NPCs – after all, if someone calls you “roguish” it really usually isn’t a comment. Would a warlock be treated with a sneer? A priest/paladin with extra respect?
Might this depend on the NPC (a guard, a vendor, flight master, quest giver) and the circumstances?
We’d like to welcome all of the new bloggers who introduced themselves on Blog Azeroth. This week we saw posts from:
– (Mage) Focus Fire with Cataclysm Coliseum
– (Priest) Inner Fire with Cataclysm Coliseum
– (WoW) Raging Monkeys
– (WoW) Girls Gone WoW
– (WoW) Eight Paws
– (Druid) Way of the Druid
– (Warlock) Meta Envy
– (Paladin RP) Kallixta’s Notes
We encourage everyone to also check out the TNB Wiki Big List of Blogs.
Next Week…
Twisted Nether Blogcast is Turning 100! Join us on Saturday, September 4th at 8:00 PM PST for our 100th episode! It will be a Round Table / Guest Appreciation Show…
(Special Guests… BRK, Matticus and Bre! (so far)
To be included in our 100th episode send TNB your MP3’s (info@twistednether.net) or call into our hotline at 407-705-3161. We look forward to hearing from our fans.
(Opening song “Monster Techno Blues” is preformed Joe Sibol, provided by podssafeaudio.com)