This week you get two Shared Topics for the price of one! That’s right! Today’s your lucky day!
So I’ve been a bit fail these days with the Shared Topics write ups. While moving and backpacking doesn’t affect my ability to keep on top of Blog Azeroth stuff, apparently working full time does. I promise I’ll do better next time. Now on with the Shared Topics of the past two weeks!
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The last few months of Wrath are upon us. Raids are winding down, players are taking breaks from the game, we’re all impatiently awaiting Cataclysm. Some of us are getting ready for it, some us of…not so much. How about you, asks Nexdominus from There Will be Blood, what are you doing to prepare for Cataclysm?
What are you doing if anything to get ready for cataclysm?
Sharing what they’re doing (or not doing) are:
Morynne from Marks 365
Elkagorasa from Elkagorasa the Casual
Avatar from Variant Avatar
Glassofwater from Not So Overpowered
Lissanna from Restokin
Qieth from Qieth’s Quips
Icedragon from Druid Main
Korzik from The Throne Room
Garona from PvE Rogues
Erinys from The Harpy’s Nest
Anslym from Totem Tossing
Nexdominus from There Will Be Blood
Herculano from Herc the Merc
Phylea from Northrend and Beyond
Anexxia from The Bible of Dreams
Tarinae from A Healadin’s Tear
Sindei from Six Inch Heals
Gazimoff from Mana Obscura
As for our latest Topic, Ardol from WoW Philosophized wants us to get up close and personal (sorta) by Sharing our favorites. Favorite what? It doesn’t matter. Just our favorites.
The idea of this shared topic is to write a post about your favorite something(s). Maybe it could be your favorite movies, favorite books, or if you wish to write about WoW, your favorite quests, favorite abilities, etc. I won’t limit this to being in just list form; if you wish to expound on one particular tv show or dungeon, go right ahead. The true purpose of this kind of topic would be to help your readers get to know you as a person, but to focus on one particular aspect of who you are and what you like, and to see who agrees or disagrees with you.
Kai from Ranged Rantings
Firemantony from Warcraft Taught Firehouse-style
Glassofwater from Not So Overpowered
Ardol from WoW Philosophized
Pndrev from Primetime Casual
Daraia from Daughter of Ravenholdt
Jasyla from Cannot be Tamed
Erinys from the Harpy’s Nest
Alamara from Almost Epic
Garona from PvE Rogues
Ecclisasticaldisc from Ecclesiastical Discipline
Sindei from Six Inch Heals
Nimbs from Walking With Daggers
Tarinae from A Healadin’s Tear
This upcoming week’s Shared Topic is another Cataclysm-related topic. Sort of. With slowing down of the game, the same-old-same-old-I-can’t-wait-until-the-expansion, many of us are getting to be in a bit of a slump. Many, but not all! What are you doing to keep the pre-expansion blues from getting you down? Be sure to blog about it and post the link in the thread at Blog Azeroth!
Want a sneak peak of upcoming topics? Here are the following three topics:
What needs to die in a fire in Cataclysm?
Worldcup Warcraft
Battleground Leaders