Resource Site Spotlight: Raider 101

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Hi folks! Today we’re going to explore a wonderful site that aims to be the first stop for any player who wants to learn how to play their class in a raid: Raider 101.

As you can see from the screenshot of their home page, this is not a pretty site, it’s a functional site. Interestingly, it’s also a wiki style site- many of the contributions are from regular folks who have something to add. I checked through the hunter guides, and if I had had access to a site like this when I first started, I could have avoided hours of research and googling about trying to learn what precisely I should be doing.

So hop on over and take a look around! If you are interested in learning how to raid, changing raiding classes, or just want to get a better idea of what all your team-mates are doing while you do your thing, this is a good comprehensive resource.

The resource site spotlight (aka wiki tiki utility posts) should happen every week, but is written by Euripides from and the Hunting Party Podcast, and endeavors to fill your favorites bar with an unmanageably large quantity of WOW resource sites. So much knowledge that it hurts. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

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