This week the show welcomes Mike Schramm from (the site formerly known as WoW Insider) and . Yes, again the interview goes long, but it was more than worth it! The hosts also talk about the official iPhone WoW App , lots of Q&A, listener emails and much much more!
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General News
7/14 Druid Q&A
7/16 Warrior Q&A
7/23 Hunter Q&A
iPhone App.. Wow Armory
Authenticator available for non-iPhone.. phones.
WoW Movie directed by Sam raimi (spiderman)
Background downloaders are going!
WordPress 2.8.2 is available for download/upgrade.
– WordPress 2.8.2 fixes an XSS vulnerability. Comment author URLs were not fully sanitized when displayed in the admin. This could be exploited to redirect you away from the admin to another site.
Hot Topics from the Nether!
From the TNTCast:
(Dechion’s Place) What would you ask?
(Part Time Druid) Goodbye World (of Warcraft)
(World of Matticus) Sympathy For a Griefer?
We’d like to welcome all of the new bloggers who introduced themselves on Blog Azeroth. This week we saw posts from:
– (druid) The Fluid Druid
– (random) Quirky Quiescence
– (druid) Mana Break
– (random) Magic and Madness
– (gaming) Malchome’s Mind on Gaming
– (gaming observations) Tauren In A China Shop
– (addons, gameplay) MMORPG Den
– (Collecting) Acrecia’s Collections
– (paladins) Haz Mace, Will Raid
– (rants) The Tauren Tavern
– (resto druid) Delleyntars Restodruid Tips, Tricks and Rantings
– (WoW) A Casual Wow Player
We’d like to encourage all of you to visit the TNB Wiki and be sure to be listed in the Big List of Blogs.
Next week…
No show next week. Come back the -following- week as we visit with Stoneybaby of Big Hit Box.
(Opening song “Monster Techno Blues” is preformed Joe Sibol, additional song credits: Phonecasting – Foggy Monutain Morning, Joe Sibol – Hot Sexy Girls Instrumental, provided by
I think Dell’s druid blog has a typo in it – missing a D.
Whoops! Thanks for the note. I’ve updated it.
Hehe, thanks for the shout out! And Fim got it right, its Ler-ral-lee.
Twisted Nether Blogcast » Episode 53 – The Podcast Formerly Known As TNB…
The TNB gang welcomes Mike Schramm from into the virtual “studio” for a chat! More Q&A from Blizz and a bunch of user emails!…
Zack Synder was the director of 300. He’s also directed “Day of the Dead” and “The Watchmen”. Sam Raimi directed the “Evil Dead” trilogy, Spider-Man Trilogy, and recently “Drag me to Hell”
I’d like to plead the 5th. **
** Where the 5th in this case is defined as “totally distracted by the lovely tanned abs.. and cheerfully ignorant of who directed what”. Ie, I was totally completely wrong.. what was I thinking.. oh yeah.. tanned abs. MMMM.