Episode 20: Greater Blessing of Cheese

This week we are blessed with cheese, Nib conquers epic Blizzcon lines and we talk…alot!


Episode 19-Game Dame Fame

This week we have an great interview with Natalie from Game Dame and babble…lots and lots of babble.


Episode 17-Banana Splits!

This week we have an epic interview with the Siha from Banana Shoulders, another great tip from Toomanyannas, the social of WoW and cute cartoons for sale.


Episode 15-Pet Mania!

This week we are Manic over Mania! The Queen of hunter pets has graced us this week. Come and enjoy in the splendor. We also try to make sense of the new raid buffs and Fim hears voices…


Episode 13-Chick-fil-a-nery

This episode we finally say Nibuca’s name correctly, discover great medieval recipes, some awesome topics and the crucial question about gnome toes is answered.
