EuripidesOutDPS  Monday, 13th of July 2009 at 01:55:27 PM Hi folks! Today I discovered a very interesting site called Charpool (site, tour, wiki entry). Basically, it’s used to keep and share a timeline of your character. You can sign in with many existing accounts you might have (such as OpenID), or you can create an account there. Once you’re logged in, you can claim […]
EuripidesOutDPS  Friday, 3rd of July 2009 at 09:33:17 AM Hi folks! Be.imba is a site that can be used to look up some information about people you’re considering group or raiding with. We’ve all seen people saying “bored 550 imba arms warrior looking for naxx group” or some such. What they’re refering to, of course, is their gear score on the website The […]
EuripidesOutDPS  Friday, 3rd of July 2009 at 09:04:58 AM Hi folks, my name is Euripides and I write a hunter blog called For some reason, the people over here at the Twisted Nether have managed to convince themselves that desipte my groan-inducing sense of humor and terribad abuse of the english language, I’m the right person to contribute to the “Wiki Tiki Utility” […]
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