Shared Topics: Who Owns a Guild? and Character Guest Column

Following my newly installed tradition (which I do hope to break in the future), we have two exciting Shared Topics to, well, share.

The first, from two weeks ago, was suggested by Nube from The Lonely Pally about guild ownership:

Since Cata started, guilds matter more. In order to receive Guild benefits, everyone most […]

Shared Topics: Is the Horde close to conquering Azeroth? and Favorite Race

The first Shared Topic was from two weeks ago, a Topic that called bloggers to ponder the lore of Azeroth. It was suggested by Ringo Flinthammer of Flinthammer Hall and reflected on the progress the Horde have been making in the fight for Azeroth:

Deathwing may have caused the Cataclysm, but the leaders of […]

Shared Topic: How Your Class Is Viewed

Anea from Obeying the Muse thought up this week’s topic, asking us how we thought NPCs reacted to our character’s class.

How do you think your class is viewed/treated by NPCs?

This stemmed from a pondering about how my rogue might be viewed/treated by NPCs – after all, if someone calls you “roguish” it […]