Breana  Thursday, 19th of June 2008 at 08:48:55 AM Is it that time again! That’s right boys and girls, it is roundup time! We are excited to have Pike from Aspect of the Hare joining us as our Twisted Blog next episode. If there are any burning questions you would like to ask her, feel free to send them in! Also this week, […]
Breana  Thursday, 12th of June 2008 at 12:10:50 AM Is it that time again! That’s right boys and girls, it is roundup time! The Bear from Big Bear Butt will be joining us as our Twisted Blog next episode. If there are any burning questions you would like to ask him, feel free to send them in! Also this week, we wanted to […]
Breana  Thursday, 5th of June 2008 at 09:09:38 AM How many times has this happened to you? You walk into a store with your WoW related t-shirt and you bump into someone who plays the game. The two of you get a-talking, and coincidentally, his main is the same class as yours. The conversation veers towards gear and he says, “I wish you could […]
Breana  Tuesday, 3rd of June 2008 at 01:00:01 PM
Woh! It’s been a great week so far and only getting better! Matt from World of Matticus will be joining us as our Twisted Blog next episode. If there are any burning questions you would like to ask him, feel free to send them in! Also, to get keep you in the loop, here […]
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