TNB Live TONIGHT 6/19 – Balkoth

We are pleased to welcome Balkoth from Balkoth’s Word to the Twisted Nether Blogcast on Fridays or Saturdays. If you have any questions please make sure to send them in prior to showtime to or bring them to the chatroom! When is it?: This live show is scheduled for tonight, Friday, June 19th […]

TNB Live Friday 5/29 (Tonight) – Seven Year Twist

It is Twisted Nether’s seven year anniversary show! We are pleased to welcome Rilandune, Zabine, Matticus, Freckleface and Rewt to the Twisted Nether Blogcast tonight. If you have any questions please make sure to send them in prior to showtime to or bring them to the chatroom! When is it?: This live show […]

TNB Live Friday 5/15 – Short

We are pleased to welcome Short from Ability Powered to the Twisted Nether Blogcast on Friday. If you have any questions please make sure to send them in prior to showtime to or bring them to the chatroom! When is it?: This live show is scheduled for Friday, May 15th at 8:20 pm […]

TNB Live Sunday 3/29 – Stubborn

We are pleased to welcome Stubborn from Sheep the Diamond to the Twisted Nether Blogcast on Sunday. If you have any questions please make sure to send them in prior to showtime to or bring them to the chatroom! When is it?: This live show is scheduled for Sunday, March 29th at 8:20 […]

TNB Live Sunday 1/11 – Raimondas the Insane

We are pleased to welcome Raimondas from Raimondas the Insane and @RaimondasInsane to the Twisted Nether Blogcast on Sunday. If you have any questions please make sure to send them in prior to showtime to or bring them to the chatroom! When is it?: This live show is scheduled for Sunday, January 11th […]