We are back and this week we welcome WoWMartiean from Epic Podcast and his very own YouTube Channel. Join us as we talk with our first ever-ish “YouTuber”! |
Twisted News
Warlords in Beta! No Addons.
Guild Leveling will be removed. LINK
Ashran new hub cities. LINK
Midsummer Fire Festival 2014/06/21 – 2014/07/05
Fireworks Spectacular 2014/07/04 – 2014/07/05
List of new Sites on Blog Azeroth
– (Rogue) NiteShayed @One_Rogue
Coming Soon…
Next show is Episode 228 with a special guest if we can get someone confirmed.
Visit us on the blog for further updates or on Twitter @TwistedNether.
To be included in our episodes send TNB your MP3′s (info@twistednether.net) or call into our hotline at 407-705-3161. We look forward to hearing from our fans.
(Opening song “Monster Techno Blues” is preformed Joe Sibol, provided by podssafeaudio.com)