This week we welcome Rem and Jules from Tauren Think Tank. We also talk about some of the additional changes coming in Warlords (so far). |
Twisted News
Update to Changes WoD Patch notes LINK
Stat Squish
Itemization Changes (New Section)
New secondary stats added:
Bonus Armor
Plate Armor pieces will always have Strength and Intellect on it.
Mail and Leather Armor pieces will always have Agility and Intellect on it.
Combat Resurrections change.
Warlords of Draenor Beta Invites at PAX LINK
Hearthstone Adventure Mode – Curse of Naxxramas
Noblegarden 2014/04/21 – 2014/04/28 LINK
HOT Topics
Shared Topic This Week
Fantasy Phones in Azeroth! (13th – 26th April) LINK
List of new Sites on Blog Azeroth
– (Resto Shaman) Mana Tide Totem LINK