Hello Twisted Nether brethren and welcome!
Today I’d like to focus on Blizzcon, after all it’s only 2 weeks away! Most of you who are going have already made all your reservations and plans and, if you’re anything like me, you are just waiting for the day to arrive. (Chomping at the bit is more like!)
Whether you’re attending the convention or just relaxing at home with the live stream here is a list of Blizzcon sites I’d like to share with you.
Let’s begin with our home site here, Twisted Nether. If you’re going we’d like to know. Especially if you’re attending our meetup on Friday night Nov 8th. If you haven’t yet, check out our Blizzcon 2013 page. If you’re attending our meetup, fill out this short form to let us know you’re coming and if you’d like to donate to Child’s Play Charity.
If you are interested in finding other meetups there are plenty out there to be had. I couldn’t possibly do them all justice so I’m not going to try. Be sure to check out your favorite sites, podcasts and blogs and see if they have something planned.
For all the basics about Blizzcon you need to start here –> Blizzcon.com. This is the Blizzard site that will pretty much tell you what you need to know about the event. The schedule has come out for this two day extravaganza and can be found here –> Blizzcon Map & Schedule. You can also check out this page for a more succinct list of Blizzcon Information. It includes directions and links to the Anaheim Convention Center, parking, the Anaheim/Orange County Visitor & Convention Bureau, and several hotels in the area. If you’re looking for places to stay or other things to do while you’re in the area checking out this link is a must. You can also follow this Blizzard event on Twitter at Blizzcon2013.
Here are some other fun sites and helpful links.
Blizzcon Countdown – A helpful hints and Blizzcon goer guide podcast that interviews previous Blizzcon attendees to help you know what to expect from the event. It is arranged in short 30-45 minute episodes that cover a wide range of topics about attending Blizzcon.
WoWWiki – Lots of general info and more links to all the Blizzcon global sites.
World of Podcasts – A meetup event of WoW Podcasters with panels, contests and events. It will be taking place on Thurs 11/07. Meet all your favorite podcasters!
Jump into the conversation! Information and discussions can be found on your Blizzard realm forums or at the Blizzcon official forums. Meet people from your realm that are going.
For more in-depth coverage of the schedule here is a great article at Ten Ton Hammer. They have info on what you can expect from each panel discussion listed at the event.
Several other sites are covering the schedule as well such as Icy-Veins, MMO Champion, and WoWHead just to name a few.
If you’re interested in the PVP, you can meet the teams of the Warcraft Global Invitational here at BlizzPosts. Check out the schedule and come cheer ’em on!
Along with all these official (and not so official) sites many of your favorite bloggers, podcasters and fans have written or produced information about Blizzcon. Make sure you go check them out and see what they have to say. Many are veterans of the Con and have great information to share about their experiences that just might give you the tip you were looking for.
If you weren’t already jazzed to go, I hope that these tidbits of information have pumped you up and helped you prepare just a little bit. I look forward to meeting everyone and hope you will all come say hello to me and the rest of the Twisted Nether crew. Until then don’t forget… go make the world a better place. 🙂
If you have a resource site you’d like to share with the world, drop me a line at Zabbylocks@gmail.com.
You can find me on Twitter @Zabbylocks or sometimes at my blog Life in the Soulwell.
Resource Site Spotlight – Blizzcon 2013 http://t.co/0GM2KDEQ2S
Resource Site Spotlight – Blizzcon 2013 http://t.co/gzwjNWJ6GT
RT @twistednether: Resource Site Spotlight – Blizzcon 2013 http://t.co/gzwjNWJ6GT
RT @twistednether: Resource Site Spotlight – Blizzcon 2013 http://t.co/gzwjNWJ6GT