Shared Topic : Reflection-What was your favorite ____ in WotLK?

As we wrap up the expansion that kept us entertained for the past two years, many of us are stepping back to think “What did I like most? What did I like least? What do I hope to see changed?” This week’s Shared Topic was another oppertunity to reflect, this time on the most […]

Shared Topic: What mementos have you kept and why?

Ah momentos! I’d be lying if I denied that my bank is filled with those. Everything from my flower collection to my first epic to various birthday presents to crafted items made with love (or in some cases, frustration) by friends to favorite quest rewards… What I’m looking the most forward to in Wrath […]

Shared Topics: Group Relations and UI Changes

Welcome to another double edition of Shared Topics. Now that I’ve moved back to the East Coast for another semester of school, where I get to spend long hours at the library watching computer screens, I’m expecting to be better at keeping up with these topics. Yes, finally, each topic can get it’s very […]

Shared Topic: How Your Class Is Viewed

Anea from Obeying the Muse thought up this week’s topic, asking us how we thought NPCs reacted to our character’s class.

How do you think your class is viewed/treated by NPCs?

This stemmed from a pondering about how my rogue might be viewed/treated by NPCs – after all, if someone calls you “roguish” it […]

Shared Topic: Classic Meta achievements

What crazy stunts do you remember pulling in Vanilla (or early Burning Crusade), just for fun? Are you disappointed that there aren’t any achievements for killing old school bosses in an alternative way? Ryyus of I Gem Crit has just the Shared Topic for you!

Mount rewarding meta achievements are here to stay, But […]