Rilandune  Thursday, 5th of December 2013 at 05:24:59 PM
This Blog Azeroth Shared Topic comes from frequent Shared Topic creator Matoaka from Sugar & Blood!
Matty proposed this perfectly timed topic:
My question or proposed topic is “Instead of cursing the darkness, how do you light a candle in Azeroth and chase the occasional (winter) blues away?
In perfect Shared Topic form Matty […]
Rilandune  Saturday, 16th of November 2013 at 02:27:04 PM Jojo from Admiring Azeroth let us know about IntPiPo 2013, an event that mirrors NaNoWriMo but has you taking and posting pictures, in our case screenshots, throughout the month of November.
For an in depth description of the event and how to participate head to Jojo’s post here, and jump in on the fun!
Rilandune  Saturday, 16th of November 2013 at 02:18:23 PM It’s Turkey time again!
Time for stuffing and cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie AND BLOGGING!
That’s right, Amerpriest from Amerence Love WoW is once again hosting the Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Event.
Head over to the Blog Azeroth Forums and jump in on the Turkey Time fun before the pumpkin pie is all gone, and […]
Rilandune  Monday, 30th of September 2013 at 11:40:26 AM
Thanks to Ambermist of Tastes Like Battle Chicken our long (inter)national nightmare has come to an end. We have a Shared Topic!
And it goes as such:
Hey, guys!
I’ve been a lurker for a long time. I knew I wouldn’t be good at keeping up with doing Shared Topics so I just kind […]
Rilandune  Monday, 29th of July 2013 at 02:39:41 PM Greetings folks!
This week we’ve got a very sweet (pun intended) Shared Topic from Mataoka of Sugar & Blood
My shared topic idea is for bloggers to consider the nicest, cutest, sappiest, and sweetest quests in the game; nothing sad or depressing, but sweet and light.
Would love to read what writers come […]
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