Fimlys  Friday, 21st of October 2011 at 09:00:17 AM Blizzcon is here and your Twisted Nether Hosts are there! But, for all the late breaking news you need to tune into our amazing group of Live Bloggers slaving away over their Virtual Ticket displays. Head over to our Day 1 Liveblog page to keep track of all the festivities!
Fimlys  Wednesday, 16th of February 2011 at 03:08:29 PM We are pleased to welcome Brian Hough and Andy “Daewin” from the new World of Warcraft podcast, The Other Guys. If you have any questions for these guys who deem themselves of “the other”, make sure to send them in prior to showtime to or bring them to the chatroom! When is it?: […]
Fimlys  Tuesday, 15th of February 2011 at 03:13:33 PM The 4.0.6 patch is finally out and we’ve brought together a great group of bloggers and podcasters to give it the proverbial thumbs up or thumbs down. Yes, it’s a ROUND TABLE! We’ve got Starman from World of Warcast podcast, StealthySlyth from, Kat from Gaming Worlds Collide podcast and Cyn from Cynwise’s Battlefield […]
Fimlys  Wednesday, 2nd of February 2011 at 03:43:51 PM Good <insert part of day here> you fine folk twisting in the Nether (via Rilandune)! We’re happy to welcome Scott Johnson of The Instance podcast (and MyExtralife and well, lots of stuff over at Frogpants Sudios) to the show.
I’m sure you have a ton of questions you’d like us to ask Scott, […]
Fimlys  Thursday, 27th of January 2011 at 09:51:10 AM We’re back! This week we welcome Kody from He does much of the content management on the web site and also ran World Of Raids. If you have any questions for our guest this week, please make sure to send them in via email or call our voicemail! Or, you can show up […]
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