Hello Everyone! I’d like you to join me in welcoming Isharra of WoW Fashion.
WoW isn’t just about killing internet dragons for Isharra, it’s about looking good while doing it! She is very excited about the new transmogafication feature in WoW and has created a site that helps players of every armor class find a way to look good every day. Being a fan of fashion, it’s a labor of love for Isharra, and she enjoys making transmog sets that may be a little off the beaten path, but still great looking!
In addition to having pages for every armor class, you can also find some of her favorite outfits highlighted. You can find an outfit to work out in, or what to wear if you want to get a job in one of Azeroth’s Inns. Perhaps you were wanting to look like an Ice Queen, or maybe just find out what to wear under that dress to avoid those pesky panty lines!
Whatever you are looking for, Isharra can help you find it! I know I’m certainly excited to see what outfit she’ll come up with next! Welcome to the blogosphere, Isharra!
Every Tuesday, Beruthiel from Falling Leaves and Wings is bringing you the Welcome Wagon, introducing new bloggers and great reads. If you know of a new blog to the scene or wish to get your name out there, please send an email to fallingleaves51@gmail.com, with the subject line “Welcome Wagon.” She’ll do her best to highlight as many as possible
Well thank you for the welcome! I hope I can continue to come up with some gear ideas for you. 😀