You see, this is where I usually introduce a new blogger to the community. Only today, rather than do that I wanted to use this space to give a very big Thank You to both Fimlys and Hydra for everything that they do for the community. Every year the thing that really makes Blizzcon is the people. It’s not the announcements about the pandas. It’s not getting to play a Zerg campaign (which, by the way, I had my ass handed to me with). It is, however, all about the people. And every year, Fimlys and Hydra do a lot of work to make an amazing community meetup and it is one of the highlights of my Blizzcon experiences.
So today, rather than welcome a new blogger into the community, I wanted to take this time to let these two amazing people know how much the community appreciates their hard work! Hydra, Fimlys I feel that I speak for the community when I say “thank you” and that the blogging community wouldn’t be the same without your efforts.
Thank you so much! It was great to meet you and hope we’ll get to see you again next year.
I concur. I had the best time at the TNB Meetup again this year. I could tell that Fim and Hydra put in so much work. It all paid off. The event was a huge success! I can’t wait for next year. <3