Shared Topic: Do your alts know each other? and Wierd Gaming Habits

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Usually I get away with waiting two weeks to post Share Topics by saying that I’m waiting for most posts, but the Topics for the past two weeks both had incredible participation. I have no excuses for slacking, but I did slack, and for that I apologize. But the good news is, we get two Topics to read this Sunday!

The first, from two week ago, was suggested by Kamalia of Kamalia et alia and was concerning the nature of the relationship between a player’s alts.

I’ve always considered that my various characters know each other. Each one of them may not personally know every single one of the others, but they are all connected in a web of family and friend relationships. I know that other bloggers, most famously Ratshag, and also Grimmtooth, write about their characters as being a “family of misfits” type of community. And so I’ve been wondering, how did your alts “become the Brady Bunch”?

Whether you have many alts or just a few, do they know each other? Do they have some sort of relationship as people living in Azeroth, or is sending materials and money between them just a game mechanic for you? If your characters do know each other, what kind of relationships do they have, and how did those relationships come into being? If they don’t, what functions do your different alts serve?

Check out the posts from:

Ophelie from The Bossy Pally and the Giant Spoon

Gneisha from Unleashed Rage

Aliera from The Violet Scribe

Kamalia from Kamalia et alia

Khraden from Illumination

Christine from Christine’s Blog

Riththewarluid from Polka DoTs and HoT Chocolate

Apple from Azeroth Apple

Sil from Girls Gone WoW

The Pink Pally from Avocation WoW

Cerylia Dawnwing from Light Without Life

Ringo Flinthammer from Flinthammer Hold

Solitudeone from Moonkin Journeys

Saz from World of Saz

Shadowfôx from Death Knights Don’t Blog

Sarriss from The Dragonslayers Ease

Akabeko from Red Cow Rise

As for this week’s Topic, it was suggested by Akabeko of Red Cow Rise who asks about our personal gaming idiosyncrasies.

Most everyone has a routine for when they play WoW, but do you have any habits that are particularly eccentric? Do you always log out in the same place, try on other’s gear when inspecting, or obsessively spam a macro or trinket at weird times? Out of game, do you have to crack your knuckles every time you take a flight path, put on your PJs in order to really get into the game, or tab out immediately upon wiping?

Sharing their habits are:

Akabeko from Red Cow Rise

Aliera from The Violet Scribe

Christine from Christine’s Blog

Saz from World of Saz

Kamalia from Kamalia et alia

Amaranth from Specced for Drama

Blayze from Tank Out of Water

Sarindre from Through the Eyes of a Tree

Enlynn from Blubblespec

Stringtheory from

Next week’s Topic is about guilds. Guilds come is all sorts of structures and different people put varying amounts of efforts into their guilds. But, at the end of the day, who does the guild belong to? The guild leader? The founding members? No one? Write your thoughts on your blog and share a link back to your post in the thread at Blog Azeroth!

And if you’re curious about upcoming topics, take a peak these:

Character guest column
Views on your class’ gear
New Class Theories

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